On 4/24/17, John Luke Gibson <eaterjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/24/17, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
>>  lyberta, do look up eckart tolle's story, it's very very funny (and
>> relevant).  ok ok i can't resist telling the tale: he was an academic,
>> in some of the worst (bitchiest) back-stabbing in-fighting for funding
>> and "status" academic environments it's possible to be in, and it was
>> really *really* getting him down.  so one day he woke up and said to
>> himself, intending to kill himself, "i can't live with myself".
>>  except, the academic in him went, "hang on a minute, what the hell?
>> what the hell is the damn difference between this "I" and this
>> "myself"?? in that stupid sentence!  *I* can't live with my "self"??
>> wtf??"  and the sudden and revelationary recognition of the incredible
>> cognitive dissonance between two "things" - two "selfs" - in his mind
>> which he *wasn't even aware were separate" resulted in what's known in
>> the trade as a "kundalini whiteout".
>>  when he came to he found he was still sitting on the bed but he could
>> perceive things in a totally new way.  i won't go into the rest of the
>> story but he's now one of the western world's best known "spiritual
>> masters", so his books (including audio books) are well worth reading.
> I'm not sure how my feedback on this is valued, but :
> Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of Eckhart not just 'cause I always
> despised the definitive "all knowing" rhetoric used by both Church's
> AND spiritualists, but because I felt Eckhart et-all frequently made
> the habit of making individuals feel better about themselves by
> demeaning and incessantly talking about how worthless and powerless
> so-called "oppressive" forces are, literally as an abstract. Life's
> meaning (in my opinion) is literally based around conflict as an
> abstract (not just violence), so it kinda feels like their
> interpretation of life is a bit pointless if one doesn't make being
> spiritual a part of their identity (since to them conflict with one's
> self seems to be the only conflict that has any meaning, and kinda
> implies if a person views themselves as good human beings just the way
> they are that they are living a life with nothing but pointless
> conflicts). That's just my opinion xP

Oops I meant to send that just to Luke, Not the whole list, sorry
everybody for any bit derailing mt comments may be here xD Sorry

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