On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <
l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
>  is the source code of the imgur proprietary service available so that
> i can host my own version of imgur without being monitored?

Lol, no clue, dude.  imgur is what us plebs without principles or
motivation use :-)  Use whatever works for you.

>  so.. you can see, the right-hand pads are really *really* close to
> the edge of the PCB.  so for that exact same reason it's impossible to
> bring the tracks in on the top layer.

OK so if I were laying that out, I wouldn't ever put a via in the middle of
a pad, not a full time electrical engineer, I only do hobby boards in
quantities of less than 100.  Tomorrow I'll ask around at work to see if
any of the EE's have any advice.  They do all sorts of crazy things in a
production environment that I would never dream of.
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