2017-06-16 8:19 GMT+02:00 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net>:
>  there's not really any other options: you can see how little
> clearance there is to the edge of the board: it's flat-out impossible
> to bring tracks in either in between those two sets, or round the
> back... and you don't want to anyway: they're differential pairs (up
> to 1ghz clock rate) because this is HDMI.

Hmm. Then how are other users of this connector doing it? This seems like a
generic problem. The solder technique is generic afaikt.
1. Either they are using smaller width tracks and are passing between the
left hand pads.
2. They have via's right to the pads. But that's very close to the edge.

The options I see...
. find other schematics using this connector.
. Use smaller width tracks.
. Cut the pads tight a little shorter and place the via's to the right
creating a bottleneck but stil far enough from the edge
. The above but to the left, via's in the middle.

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