On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il> wrote:

> In another thread someone mentioned trusting people. I trust the
> maintainer of angband.pl generally more than maintainers of Devuan, from
> observed behavior.

 *sigh* i love what the devuan team have done: they've achieved a hell
of a lot.  the only thing is: their stated mission statement is "to
give people free choice over their init service".  and... err... the
lack of support for systemd makes that mission statement a false

 devuan is therefore a backlash *against* systemd.  if they were true
to their mission statement they would add the option to include it.

 what would be really *really* handy is if someone modified
angband.pl's packaging so that it compiled *both* systemd *and*
systemd-less packages, making the systemd-less variants e.g. of udev
as "udev-nosystemd" and  using "Provides: udev" (or whatever
appropriate debian control magic is necessary).

 the reason for that would be that the angband.pl variants could then
actually be proposed for inclusion in debian.


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