On Wed, 5 Jul 2017 06:48:08 +0100
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:48 AM, James L <james6.28318...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> if they were true to their mission statement they would add the
> >> option to include it.  
> >
> > Unfortunately, I have to agree  
>  i spoke to one of the people in devuan, who turned out to be an
> amazingly wise person, and i was able to point out this discrepancy to
> them without over-reaction.  i suggested to them that it might be a
> good idea to properly honour the mission statement by including
> systemd in devuan.
>  their response was that in their opinion it simply would never
> happen, ever.  devuan was *geniunely* born out of a back-lash reaction
> *against* systemd.. *not* out of a desire to genuinely honour their
> mission statement.
> > Here is a question: Is a false (in any way) mission statement enough
> > to totally dismiss something? Even if their actions (providing a
> > reasonable alternative) are seemingly good?  
>  *sigh* i love what they've done, but the best way to illustrate it is
> with a story from mother theresa.  she was invited to an anti-war
> rally, once.  she declined... and told them that if they ever wanted
> to hold a *peace* rally, she would be delighted to attend.
>  that really says it all, i think.
> > From what I have observed, you seem to have two "codes" that you live
> > by, your ethics and your intuition.  
>  ha.  to clarify: i use my intuition to identify those things which
> are ethical [and then follow up with as much rational / logical
> reasoning as i can stand].  where i really didn't even have a
> definition of what is actually ethical until i encountered bob
> podolski, only last year.  ironic or what... :)
> > Your ethics seems to mostly involve
> > your influence over others, so what does your intuition say about
> > Devuan?  
>  jury's still out.  i'm hopeful that one day they'll be able to
> resolve the conflict and truly honour their mission statement.  for
> myself i... i simply cannot bring myself to endorse or support things
> where there exists a huge cognitive dissonance.  call it an ISO9001
> "fail" if you will.
> l.

Luke I became involved about three weeks after the project started. I'm
still on the ML but had no time to keep up or contribute much. I saw some
of the most cordial behaviour that I have had the privilege to witness on
a mailing list from most of (all?) the members! I really believe that they
will meet with success in their toiling. Not to justify by pointing to
lesser examples, but contrast it with the behaviour of Mr. Pottering.
Insta-bug-close. Taking every available short cut. No Portability to
I really think that Devuan is just taking an obvious short cut in the
above case. That is to say, if devuan and debian devs got together to
merge then devuan would get support for system and debian would support
other inits. I do not and did not see any resentment to debian on the
list by the devuan devs.


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