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On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:40 PM, Christopher Havel
<laserhaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Quickie from my phone, sorry.

 not a problem

> I think the world is not full of stupid people. Two similar but distinct
> logos should not be a challenge for the general population... even in the
> USA, where education is somewhat questionable in quality, or in African
> countries where education is *ahem* borderline extant. You don't have to be
> able to name e.g. pink and blue in order to know them as different...
> Someone with an iq below say 75 /might/ have trouble - but someone with an
> iq that's also a thermostat setting is going to have a tremendous challenge
> just generally navigating through the world as-is, and we can therefore
> ignore that use case.

 statistically unfortunately the number of 75 IQ outliers increases
massively with sample size.  if 100 million is not enough to satisfy
you that we cannot take risks, increase it by an order of magnitude to
a billion people.

 sorry chris.  really, we can't mess about with "options" here.   it's
one option or it's nothing at all.  "any colour as long as it's


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