crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:13 PM, Christopher Havel
<laserhaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So... have the word "EOMA68" in the logo for both tiers,

 no tiers.  too dangerous, too confusing.

> just have
> something that universally indicates "premium" or "certified" or "extra" or
> "plus" in the "EOMA68=Certified" logo,

 which means "optional" which means "confusion".  no, sorry chris.

> Luke, with all due respect, it's kind of obvious that you're not even
> trying here.

 i'm trying *really hard* to get across that the risk when you have a
hundred million people buying "stuff" it's a totally different

 if this was only maybe 50,000 people world-wide even in my wildest
dreams, i simply would not be bothering.  at all.

 can you reassure me that out of a HUNDRED MILLION people there will
be ZERO CONFUSION over what a different colour means?

> ...feck it. I've got to get ready for some errands, it's that day of the
> week. I'll draw up examples and show you, when I get back later. It'll be a
> few hours.

 it's appreciated... but no, i do appreciate what you're saying, i do
appreciate the distinction you're trying to make.... and unless you
can provide GUARANTEED reassurance that there will be ZERO confusion
in the eyes of hundreds of millions of users... no fear, no
uncertainty, no doubt WHATSOEVER, the answer really does have to be

 can you do that?


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