Thanks for a fine list Bryan!

Here's a cool idea I haven't heard anybody else articulate:
computer assisted telepathy.

I expect it in my lifetime.

Instead of voice recognition "voice writer", imagine a brainwave sensitive
headset (or imbedded sensors?) which allow, with individual man-machine
training, "thought writer".

Text to synthetic voice already exists.  Is it not possible to hook an audio
amplifier directly into the audio nerves of a deaf person in such a way that
they can "hear" something?  In the future, "thought speakers" will be
likely -- so your Google news feed bypasses airwaves and goes from your
computer, wirelessly, to your ear amp and into your head.

And then the simultaneous Thought Writer -- Thought Speaker will be trivial.
Voila.  Comp assist. telepathy.

... and the need to broadcast comm to cosmos will rapidly diminish, as
writers can try to speak directly into the thoughts of their listeners.

Maybe our evolution towards this is why the cosmos is so "quiet".

And I don't believe in faster than light travel.  Sigh.

On the other hand, nanotech (influenced) recycling robots are also likely
before 2020.

Cheers to all.
Tom Grey
(I think I'm becoming a Libertarian Paternalist)

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