At 04:47 PM 8/18/2003 -0600, Chris Auld wrote:
> I've finished a fantastic book that Robin lent me, *Where Is Everybody*?
>   The author explores the paradox that (a) It seems like the galaxy
> should be full of intelligent life but (b) There is little evidence of
> its existence.

What sort of argument is offered in support of (a)?  It seems to me to be
remarkable that there is life at all --- why should we believe that the
probability of intelligent life on a given planet is more than, say, one
in 10^100?

The usual argument is that once life reaches a level not that much further than our own, it should expand out to colonize the universe at a relatively rapid pace. Either this is wrong, or the nearest life at anything like our level must be very very far away.

Assistant Professor of Economics, George Mason University
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