The information about the other positional-goods related policy (limiting
the number of hours in a work week. In other words, forced spending on
leisure) actually provides more reasons for ending regulations that limit
the number of hours in a work week and all regulations that interfere in
that regard in any other way.

There is already too much regulation on positional goods and the lack of
heavier regulation on
positional goods may have to do with issues involving too many regulations
that already exist.

Such regulations, taxes and income redistribution may cause the most
productive among us to work 1/2 or even 1/10 the number of hours they would.
A majority of voters lose because of how it all causes lower productivity,
fewer jobs, and fewer positive externalities from science and art and more
goods and services.  A majority of voters lose also because of negative
externalities from government and the police state that regulations require.

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