On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I took a look at the Pobox mail service and it seems very good for 
> helping to prevent spam.

Most spam filters knock out messages sent to "undisclosed recipients" or
to lists of people, which also knock out listserv messages.  Blocking
individual senders seems pointless because most spammers switch send
addresses with each mailing.  Blocking by subject header helps somewhat
but is risky...can get rid of mail you'd want to get.  Legal fixes won't
work because it's too easy to move out of jurisdiction, and
within-jurisdiction spammers don't seem to be easily found.  

My guess is that if the problem gets bad enough, and unless filters
improve, a few ISPs will start offering services that will block all mail
from spammer-prone ISPs (msn.com, mailcity.com, emailisfun.com,
worldmailer.com, email.com, olemail.com -- just a few of the sender
domains in my kill file)).  If enough people sign-up with those kind of
ISPs, the others would eventually be forced out of business.  Unless DoJ
rules such practices anti-competitive, I suppose.

Eric Crampton

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