I just don't think that a ban on spam is likely to be the most efficient
means of dealing with the problem, mainly because it's almost totally
unenforceable.  A ban could only be enforced on reputable companies with
real fixed addresses, and they tend not to be the problem spammers.  I've
never gotten spam from Wal-Mart, but I get piles from web-companies
advertising credit reports and such.  Legal measures won't do much to solve
the problem -- the only semi-effective ways of doing it would cripple the
rest of the internet (a per-email charge, for example).  Technology is
advancing to deal with the problem, but spamming technology will likely
develop in lock-step.  I tend to think that the solution will arrive when
people are willing to pay a premium for an ISP that blocks out problem
domains, using lists like SpamHaus or MAPS (as Joel Grus pointed out).  Then
the system becomes mostly self-enforcing.

I don't think we should be too eager to look to the judicial system for
solutions to problems that seem likely to sort themselves out.

Eric Crampton

-----Original Message-----
Fred Foldvary
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Spam: Legal, economic or technical problem?

--- Eric Crampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While we're at it, why don't we make it illegal for people to kill each
> other.  If it were illegal, with stiff fines, we'd surely get rid of
> murder.

Do you deny that we have less murder with laws penalizing it than if we had
no such laws?

If so, do you wish to eliminate all criminal codes?

Fred Foldvary


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