I wouldn't if I were you. My submission to Psych Review with a revision
took 14 months from submission till it appeared in print. I've never
made it into print in a refereed economics journal in less than 18
months and more typical times are 2 to 3 year. Oh yes. And the editor of
Psych Review was profusely apologetic for the refereeing taking so long!
 - - Bill

>Hmmm... seems like the data is censored. Need to sample rejected
>papers too. Ok, then. I feel better about my original statement.

William T. Dickens
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 797-6113
FAX:     (202) 797-6181
AOL IM: wtdickens

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