
Is there a way to use aroma affymetrix code without having to be in
the aroma affymetrix directory?  When I am outside of the aroma
affymetrix directory and I try to enter the command:

> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType('HG-U133_Plus_2', tags='ense')
Error in list(`AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HG-U133_Plus_2", tags =
"ense")` = <environment>,  :

[2011-03-14 10:56:12] Exception: Could not locate a file for this chip
type: HG-U133_Plus_2,ense
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Could not locate a file for this chip type: ",
  at throw("Could not locate a file for this chip type: ",
paste(c(chipType, tag
  at method(static, ...)
  at AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HG-U133_Plus_2", tags = "ense")

All this code is in a R script and the easy solution would be to set
the directory to that be the aroma affymetrix directory using
setwd().  But I was wondering if there was some aroma affymetrix shell
variable I could set so that it knows where to look for the aroma
affymetrix files without having to explicitly set the directory.  I
haven't been able to find any references to this in the forums.



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