I consider this as a nice initiative. lets c how it shapes up..

On 11/23/06, fani kalyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello fellow rahmaniacs...I got and idea ..like...why cant we put a song
> competetion of arr songs(preferably arr sung) in this group...guess this
> will be an intresting activity...and I hope there are lotta talented pple
> in this group..and I would be the first guy to participate if there is...and
> things to be
> finalised if you guys are intrested are:
> 1)Panel of judges(2-3)
> 2)Way to upload songs
> 3)Names of the participants
> 4)Last date to upload the songs sung by the participants etc....
> I guess this will be an another platform to prove the hidden talent in
> us as there many aspiring singers and musicians in this group.
> Hoping a positive response
> Hail Arr
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Gomtesh V Upadhye

Cell     : +91 988 675 3639

           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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