Hi ARR Fans,

I thought that I should share this. It's been 4 years but I just remembered 
that I did not share this earlier. 

21st Nov 2003 (Friday) was my wedding day. It's an unforgetable day and there 
are no words to describe the joyous moment, plus to add more was the music that 
was aired and surrounded the hall.

Yes, my wedding hall was filled with ARR musics and not forgetting the theme 
song was 'Wedding Qawwali' from Bombay Dreams. The song was aired when me and 
my wife walked down from our Wedding stage to the Dinner hall. Everybody stood 
and claped with joy all the way. For many, the music was new and did not stop 
talking about it.

I was just listening to it and thought of sharing with you loyal ARR fans!

A. Nishaj

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