glad to read such experiences.. infact, wedding quwalli is the best one from
ARR in the quwalli genre

On Dec 20, 2007 8:18 PM, nishaj abby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hi ARR Fans,
> I thought that I should share this. It's been 4 years but I just
> remembered that I did not share this earlier.
> 21st Nov 2003 (Friday) was my wedding day. It's an unforgetable day and
> there are no words to describe the joyous moment, plus to add more was the
> music that was aired and surrounded the hall.
> Yes, my wedding hall was filled with ARR musics and not forgetting the
> theme song was 'Wedding Qawwali' from Bombay Dreams. The song was aired when
> me and my wife walked down from our Wedding stage to the Dinner hall.
> Everybody stood and claped with joy all the way. For many, the music was new
> and did not stop talking about it.
> I was just listening to it and thought of sharing with you loyal ARR fans!
> Regards,
> A. Nishaj
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