There are positive reviews, but the criticisms all point to the same is too long, too patchy, too "filmy", drags a lot 
many areas, lack of suspense, inconsistent, loose...  There are lots 
of 4/5s, but also lots of 3/5s and some 2/5s.    

Today's flim goers don't do well with movies that drag and bore.  I'm 
very worried about the BO results.  Although I haven't seen the film 
yet, I know I'm going to like it simply for the music, historical 
opulance, visuals, acting, dramatic sequences, and action scenes.  
I'm pretty tolerant to slow paced movies.  I'm hopeful that despite 
the shortcomings in terms of lack of tightness and drawn out, 
sluggish and non gripping parts, the visuals, the chemistry between 
Ash and Hrithik, the music, the drama will be enough to please the 
average person.  If, however, most people think the movie is too 
drawn out, long, non gripping, and cannot grasp the movie as a whole, 
then the movie is in trouble.  

I really want to see the film badly and I know it will be appreciated 
by many.  Kudos to Ashu and his team for attempting such an epic film 
with so much investment and work.  I just hope their hard work pays 
off.  IT takes guts to make such a film in today's world.  I think 
some of the criticisms are a bit too crticial, but, the real test 
will be the numbers in terms of BO.

I just wish Ashu could have learned his lesson from Swades to make 
the plot a bit more tight and concise based on what I am hearing from 
others.  I really want the film to succeed and become a blockbuster 
for everyone's sake involved in the film, but esp. for Rahman.  I 
want people beyond his fans to recognize and love the brilliance of 
this soundtrack. 

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