Kaissiom Bhai...... Amazing work.... This is similar to Indai Haza ->
Chinmayeee ( Personality Switch)

You are simply superb. All your works are of excellent quality. Awaiting
more stuff from you Bhai.....

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:07 PM, syed.sahel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hi friends,
> My cousin, wasim, is on vacation, roaming around somwhere in Inida and I
> have access to his external drive on which he stores his entire back-up of
> Rahman collection.  Wasim is really cool with me, we keep playing pranks on
> each other so I thought why not play a prank on him and at the same time
> help all the rahmaniacs out.  He used to share a lot of pieces before, but
> he has stopped doing so in the past year or so for personal reasons.
> So as a prank, I have decided to share one of the rare gems from his
> library.  I know he will be mad at me, but I can deal with that.  It was
> difficult to decide what to share; BGMs, rare pieces or DVD-Quality songs.
> After thinking for a long time, I decided to share just one song.  One song
> can be taken as prank but more than one can get me in trouble.  So, I
> thought about it and therefore, I'm sharing one High Quality song.
> He has a lot of DVD-Quality songs, but this is definitely one of the rarest
> and the "best of the best" from his collection.. a real treat for
> Rahmaniacs.
> He had posted one Roja song in DVD-Quality, for all you HQ enthusiasts,
> here is ultra high, DVD-Quality Chor Chor (Thiruda Thiruda) song:
> I'm going to try my best to not offend Wasim, and try to post this like
> kaissiom would.
> Please do me a favor, if you download the song and enjoy it please make
> sure to thank kaissiom, not me.
> So, here's how kaissiom would do it, ready:
> "*Hello Rahmaniacs,
> Here is a DVD-Quality Chor Chor song.  I'm just doing a service for the
> group.  Please don't support piracy, read the following disclaimer before
> you download the song, thanks.
> You must read the following discalimer before downloading:
> By clicking on the following link you are certifying that you
> currently own the original copy, CD/Tape of the Song: Dil Hai Sanam Dil
> From: Chor Chor(Hindi). The content provided to you for downloading is
> strictly for backup purposes. I, Kaissiom, certify that I own the
> original content and make duplicates for backup purposes only. By
> downloading the content, you certify that you currently own the
> original content and want to protect it from possible damage. This is
> a free service, I'm not selling you music or distributing music, I'm
> only providing backups of the music you already own. I, Kaissiom, will
> not be held accountable for the downloader's use of my backups. If you
> sell, trade, or forfeit your ownership of your original software, you
> agree to destroy the CDR or any digital backups of that title. You
> take full responsibility for your own actions when using these
> back-ups and release Kaissiom from all liabilities, which may arise -
> expressed, written, or implied. By downloading the content, you are
> complying with these regulations. This allows me (Kaissiom) to
> duplicate, and you (a consumer) to receive the right to use my
> backups. All trademarks and copyrights are owned by the respective
> third parties.
> Link:
> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9777ZZ06
> p.s. I do appreciate all your comments and replies but I probably won't
> reply to them. Although I'm a regular visitor, I only post on the group when
> I'm sharing something. [image: :)]
> regards,
> kaissiom* "
> Enjoy the song and pray he doesn't kill me.
> regards,
> Rahmaniac.


ARR -- The Sweet Cube always

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