Actually, However we pronounce his name Rahman is not very correct.
Ask any native Arabic person, they will show you the correct
They laugh at how we call him; but hay, we are used to calling him so.

--- In, "Chord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> I don't want to belabor this point and I'm not really that bothered by 
> it as I'm elated by the Oscar win.  But, why are so many Americans 
> butchering AR's name?  Since the awards started, I have 
> heard, "Ruhman", "Rahmeen", "AJ Raaman", "Rockkman"....
> Is "Rahman" really so hard to pronounce?  Well, maybe it is for 
> Westerners who aren't used to such names.  And BTW, I love Americans 
> as I am one of them, but they have a history of butchering even 
> relatively easy South Asian names.  Trust me.  I know personally!

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