I listen to R D Burman and The Beatles besides Rahman


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "san_arrahman" <san_arrah...@...> wrote:
> hi! friends i m just curious to know other than rahman's music what u
> guys listen?  from past 4 years i m listening rahman's music 24x7.
> without his music i can't work properly. but recently i thought i should
> listen other artist also to appreciate rahman's music more. so this
> are some of the artist.,which i liked.
> vengelis( new age,electonica)vartinna(folk)steven wilson(progressive
> rock)brainticket(krautrock)
> but i must admitt other than rahman's music  rarely other music
> thouches my heart or made me cry(thats how i express!).

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