Yes, I understand your point Vishwesh and I totally agree with you. These sort 
of comments do arise from time to time and more often than not, the original 
author hardly reverts with any justifications on his earlier comments.

So why do I, or the others keep responding to them? I can't speak for the 
others, but as far as I'm concerned, it's the love that I have for ARR and his 
music which prompts me to do so. Some call it possessiveness, some might think 
of it as a wasted effort. But I have always stand up for what I believe & love, 
and I believe in ARR's music more than anything else in the world. Thus, if I 
have to respond to hundreds, even thousands of articles which bad-mouths ARR, I 
will still do so willingly. 

Yes, like you said it's better to keep quiet and ignore those mails, but I 
would never do so. If there's a speck of dust in your house, would you ignore 
it? Some might but I wouldn't. I would rather clean the speck of dust before it 
turns the whole house into a heap of rubbish. Likewise, I akin these mails to 
the speck of dust. I would rather speak up and gain the self-contentment of 
preventing them from contaminating ARR's music, than ignore the comments and 
develop a hatred towards all non-ARR fans as a result of it.

And believe me, I have nothing against those who choose to ignore these "junk 
mails". I know many think it's baseless to respond to such mails. That's 
totally your choice and you're not wrong in doing so. But I'm just saying that 
I would still respond to them no matter how baseless/unjustifiable/groundless 
it is, cos'...well, this is how I am and I'm not wrong either.

--- On Sat, 10/3/09, || V i s h w e s h || <> wrote:

From: || V i s h w e s h || <>
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Blue and some recent albums of ARR lacking soul
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009, 1:27 PM


                  Well, believe me, they don't. I'm  a member here for 6-7 
years & I know. Every so often, these negative one liners pops up and we  
good-hearted people try to explain them about evolution in  AR's music over the 
years & such, but the original poster is long gone!! So... many a times, it's 
pretty much a wasted effort. This has become like a routine thing here & it's 
no way a good routine IMO...
 " The search is more important than the destination "  - a r rahman -

From: Sreekrishnan R <rahmanfever@ uk>
To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 10:25:17 PM
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Blue and some recent albums of ARR lacking soul


                  Who knows 'him/her' are atleast reading the replies for them!

From: || V i s h w e s h || <vishws...@yahoo. com>
To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 7:21:36 PM
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Blue and some recent albums of ARR lacking


                  When are we going to learn to neglect these "one line 
negative mail attention seekers"?? They just post some negative one liners 
about AR & (most of the times) disappear completely after that. And we keep on 
replying to him/her, trying to knock some senses into him/her, trying to 
explain the same stuff again & again & again to these "----" who in the first 
place doesn't care at all about all that. They are never gonna learn/understand 
these things no matter how or what we tell them.

So just try to think about this next time...

" The search is more important than the destination "  - a r
 rahman -

From: ichord <purev...@yahoo. com>
To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 6:16:12 PM
Subject: [arr] Re: Blue and some recent albums of ARR lacking soul



You hit it spot on!  Exactly my thoughts too.  ARR moves forward, not 
backwards.  It's ok to have your favorites, but we must not confuse nostalgia 
with quality either.

--- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com, Gayathri Chandrakasan <gayathri_ck17@ 
...> wrote:


> I remember watching an interview of ARR with actor was just after 
> the Oscars. ARR in answering one of the questions posed to him, said that he 
> loves to compose songs using a particular raaga but the problem he faces is 
> that the particular song ends up sounding similar to a song composed 
> earlier. To avoid that, he began to use ragas that are not usually used to 
> compose for a particular situation... he gave Hai Raama of Rangeela as an 
> example by which a seductive song was composed using a classical carnatic 
> raaga. 


> Probably for the same reasons, ARR has decided to opt for hindustani and 
> ghazal in tamil songs as opposed to the carnatic raagas used by most MDs 
> here. In fact, I feel that this quality of ARR's i.e bringing in different 
> flavour to his songs and thinking out of the box is what sets him apart from 
> others.


> But whatever said and done, the usage of Northern classical does not mean 
> that ARR has lost his 90's touches. He never lost his touches...he has only 
> developed his music to a new level. When most MDs sit and compose a song in a 
> customary manner, ARR doesn't even stick to what he created. He keeps 
> creating new genres in music and moves forward. 


> But the problem here is that some listeners (his fans included) only tend to 
> think his 90's songs as magical and amazing...hence the uses of words such as 
> "he lost his touch", "there's no longer soul in his songs" etc. But come to 
> think of it, how long do you want him to sit and compose songs like Kadhal 
> rojave and Minnale? Don't get me wrong, I love these songs. I truly believe 
> these songs are amazing and stunning numbers, but so do songs like Munbe Vaa 
> and Newyork Nagaram. 


> It's kinda distressing that after all the development and changes ARR has 
> painfully brought to the Indian music, there are still some who want him to 
> stay to where he was 17 years ago.




> --- On Thu, 10/1/09, Din, D, Nesh <dinesh.theboss@ ...> wrote:



> From: Din, D, Nesh <dinesh.theboss@ ...>

> Subject: [arr] Re: Blue and some recent albums of ARR lacking soul

> To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com

> Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 10:21 PM







> lately, in the hub i chat often, i had an opportunity to chat this gentleman 
> who knows carnatic music. i always had a doubt that these days A.R.Rahman 
> doesnt use carnatic raag and such like those days during 90s annd he too 
> confirmed it. He said nowdays ARR hardly uses carnatic tunes/raagams and 
> such. It could be this that nowdays some fans say he has lost his 90s touch 
> coz he hardly uses carnatic tunes. He used to use carnatic flavors for his 
> Hindi tracks as well. He said Marudhani and Sahana had heavy North flavors. 
> Maybe some music experts here like swaps can double confirm with us? I guess 
> thats why some fans here say his songs doenst have soul becoz of this?


> --- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com, "sriramvr_in" <sriramvr_in@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > must be due to less time available to him.

> >





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