Excellen post, Pradeep!!!  Well written and very true!  If you like an album a 

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "pradeepanonline" <pradeepanisonl...@...> 
> Why should I buy original CD's ?
> When the music is available to download free of cost, why should we buy 
> original CD. After all, ARR (or any other musician) is rich. he is not going 
> to be affected by some ppl not buying. Right ? 
> ** WRONG **
> The money that you spend for the CD is not just for the primary artist. think 
> about all the other artists working with him. And the countless number of 
> people involved in the music industry. Their livelihood depends on the bucks 
> that we consider to be saving by downloading for free. If we want to keep 
> getting better & better stuff in terms of technology, it all depends on 
> whether we buy or not.
> The money that we put is not just going to help the music industry. What goes 
> around comes around ! The whole economy is benefited. Imagine if someone 
> thinks you don't have to be paid for 10 minutes of your work-week. Think what 
> you are missing & how it will impact others.
> So please always buy Original CD's & thank God for helping you afford it.

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