yes and how right. Your way is very correct. The other way to look at is the 
quality of the product you buy. If you are one of those who want the best 
quality of output and want to 'appreciate' music the way it is meant to be, 
then the best way is an original CD.
I have downloaded rahman's MP3s many times (sometimes you just can't wait!!) 
but i still have bought all the CDs for both the reasons, yours and mine. I 
think we should do our bit in spending that money in owning the discs. We feel 
good when we own something thats meant to be original!!
good man!
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 03:05:16 +0000
Subject: [arr] Why should I buy Original CD's by paying ??


                  Why should I buy original CD's ?

When the music is available to download free of cost, why should we buy 
original CD. After all, ARR (or any other musician) is rich. he is not going to 
be affected by some ppl not buying. Right ? 

** WRONG **

The money that you spend for the CD is not just for the primary artist. think 
about all the other artists working with him. And the countless number of 
people involved in the music industry. Their livelihood depends on the bucks 
that we consider to be saving by downloading for free. If we want to keep 
getting better & better stuff in terms of technology, it all depends on whether 
we buy or not.

The money that we put is not just going to help the music industry. What goes 
around comes around ! The whole economy is benefited. Imagine if someone thinks 
you don't have to be paid for 10 minutes of your work-week. Think what you are 
missing & how it will impact others.

So please always buy Original CD's & thank God for helping you afford it.






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