To an extent it is true. Coz, I remember once when ARR mentioned "Its all
about experimenting and composing FRESH things in every new score. I dont
want to stick to the formula, and it would be really boring for a composer
to do the same thing in every film, composing the Hero-Heroine Duets over
and over again".   [Which HARRIS has been doing all these 8 years, eversince
he started his career ].

But,  its NOT right if u say ARR was NEVER keen!! Coz, the BEST romantic
duet sequences we have EVER heard are from ARR's OWN   'JEANS'.

Now its been a long time since we saw such romantic duets in ARR films. I
expect 'JEANS-like' experiments in Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya...

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