Exactly! Nicely written. Negative review should be written without hurting 
anyone elses feelings... Really hope that we will see some changes soon:)

http://indian-music-bgm.blogspot.com/ Please do not add me in YM. I only use 
this account for the group...

--- On Mon, 8/23/10, Gayathri <gayathri_c...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Gayathri <gayathri_c...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [arr] Re: Gotta think thrice before posting nowadays...
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, August 23, 2010, 11:35 PM



Quote:- "I'm just writing this because recently (since 2007, when I joined), 
with every new releases someone will post a negative review and the rest start 
bashing that person. Let's have some healthy interactions here..."

I agree that we need healthy interactions in this forum but it has to work both 
ways here, I believe.

Not only you, but quite a few members have been complaining that their negative 
comments and criticisms were shot down by members. 

But then again, what about members who praise ARR's music? We are named as 
fools, ingenuine fans, hesitant, afraid to point out our true feelings, etc. If 
you're saying that negative comments should not be shot down, then calling 
members who enjoy ARR's music as fools and faking their opinions should not be 
allowed as well, am I right?

I've said this before and I would say it again, Endhiran as an album, is not my 
cup of tea. Given a choice, I would prefer to listen to Raavanan and Jodha 
Akhbar than Enthiran. The reason- I don't like trance or techno music. On the 
other hand, my friends like techno music and they found Enthiran to be awesome. 
Now, if I were to call Enthiran as soul-less and horrible, wouldn't I be 
insulting my friends' taste of music? I would and that's not right! But that's 
exactly what happens here. 

One of our members here mentioned that he felt like laughing while reading the 
posts on how others seems to enjoy Enthiran. I thought that was insulting. Just 
because we don't like an album, we shouldn't be expecting others to dismiss the 
same as well. And what we regard as wonderful, amazing or true gems of ARR's 
need not be true for others. 

A small example- A lot of people here like Thee Thee from Thiruda Thiruda (and 
I don't mean only Kishore) but it's not my favourite song in the album. I 
thought Caroline's pronunciation was really bad and the music seems to 
overshadow the strength of her voice, making it even more inaudible. But I 
don't consider it a bad song. It's just not to my liking. And knowing that many 
liked the song, the least I could do is respect the interest of others and 
voice out my comments in a respectful way. I mean, how would you react if I 
were to pass the following comments on the song and it's fans? :-

"if you think this song is good, you haven't heard to ARR's true gems" or
"I'm can't help laughing when I hear that you guys actually like this song" or
"This song is soul-less, wonder how you guys can praise it otherwise?"

Wouldn't you feel bad? Wouldn't you get angry? Wouldn't you retaliate? Or are 
you going to call me as whole hearted, eloquent or dynamic for the simple 
reason that I was "brave" enough to pass such comments on the song? It's sound 
preposterous even to myself. 

My point is, there should always be room for criticisms in this forum 
nevertheless, the right usage of words and expressions should also be given due 
importance in order not to hurt or disregard other members' feelings. A fan 
group such as this is not a place to shower pointless praises on ARR, I agree, 
but it's also not a place to make hateful remarks. Respect is a dying virtue 
today. Why not try to uphold them at least in this forum?

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, pratap <pratap_elen...@...> wrote:
> Nowadays it's kinda scary to post anything negative here. In my opinion, A.R. 
> doesn't need people to just praise him. A little bit of criticism is needed. 
> Mistakes needs to be pointed out. Any bad review posted should not be 
> automatically be shot down. 
> Negative reviews are important. But of course, I'm talking about sensible 
> ones, not the typical music missing in soul, absence of vintage Rahman (I 
> personally do not recognize this term), no Taal or Dil Se and Khawaja Mere 
> Khawaja... The list is never ending. Write sensible negative review if you 
> have to. Those who do not agree, give proper argument (or ignore it). Don't 
> just get all defensive. Don't keep replying: "Oh yeah, you know better than 
> AR". As we all know, AR reads our posts. If there is anything to be improved 
> (if there is), this would be helpful. Instead of him going through all the 
> unnecessary hate mails.
> I'm just writing this because recently (since 2007, when I joined), with 
> every new releases someone will post a negative review and the rest start 
> bashing that person. Let's have some healthy interactions here...
> So, peace guys. Sorry about the lecture. Nobody likes free advices :)
> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Indian-Movie-BGMS/146146955399503
> http://indian-music-bgm.blogspot.com/ Please do not add me in YM. I only use 
> this account for the group...






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