Gayathri, Thanks for the most coherent, concise, apt posting in a long time. - 

--- In, "Gayathri" <gayathri_c...@...> wrote:
> Quote:- "I'm just writing this because recently (since 2007, when I
> joined), with every new releases someone will post a negative review and
> the rest start bashing that person. Let's have some healthy interactions
> here..."
> I agree that we need healthy interactions in this forum but it has to
> work both ways here, I believe.
> Not only you, but quite a few members have been complaining that their
> negative comments and criticisms were shot down by members.
> But then again, what about members who praise ARR's music? We are named
> as fools, ingenuine fans, hesitant, afraid to point out our true
> feelings, etc. If you're saying that negative comments should not be
> shot down, then calling members who enjoy ARR's music as fools and
> faking their opinions should not be allowed as well, am I right?
> I've said this before and I would say it again, Endhiran as an album, is
> not my cup of tea. Given a choice, I would prefer to listen to Raavanan
> and Jodha Akhbar than Enthiran. The reason- I don't like trance or
> techno music. On the other hand, my friends like techno music and they
> found Enthiran to be awesome. Now, if I were to call Enthiran as
> soul-less and horrible, wouldn't I be insulting my friends' taste of
> music? I would and that's not right! But that's exactly what happens
> here.
> One of our members here mentioned that he felt like laughing while
> reading the posts on how others seems to enjoy Enthiran. I thought that
> was insulting. Just because we don't like an album, we shouldn't be
> expecting others to dismiss the same as well. And what we regard as
> wonderful, amazing or true gems of ARR's need not be true for others.
> A small example- A lot of people here like Thee Thee from Thiruda
> Thiruda (and I don't mean only Kishore) but it's not my favourite song
> in the album. I thought Caroline's pronunciation was really bad and the
> music seems to overshadow the strength of her voice, making it even more
> inaudible. But I don't consider it a bad song. It's just not to my
> liking. And knowing that many liked the song, the least I could do is
> respect the interest of others and voice out my comments in a respectful
> way. I mean, how would you react if I were to pass the following
> comments on the song and it's fans? :-
> "if you think this song is good, you haven't heard to ARR's true gems"
> or
> "I'm can't help laughing when I hear that you guys actually like this
> song" or
> "This song is soul-less, wonder how you guys can praise it otherwise?"
> Wouldn't you feel bad? Wouldn't you get angry? Wouldn't you retaliate?
> Or are you going to call me as whole hearted, eloquent or dynamic for
> the simple reason that I was "brave" enough to pass such comments on the
> song? It's sound preposterous even to myself.
> My point is, there should always be room for criticisms in this forum
> nevertheless, the right usage of words and expressions should also be
> given due importance in order not to hurt or disregard other members'
> feelings. A fan group such as this is not a place to shower pointless
> praises on ARR, I agree, but it's also not a place to make hateful
> remarks. Respect is a dying virtue today. Why not try to uphold them at
> least in this forum?
> --- In, pratap <pratap_elensar@> wrote:
> >
> > Nowadays it's kinda scary to post anything negative here. In my
> opinion, A.R. doesn't need people to just praise him. A little bit of
> criticism is needed. Mistakes needs to be pointed out. Any bad review
> posted should not be automatically be shot down.
> >
> > Negative reviews are important. But of course, I'm talking about
> sensible ones, not the typical music missing in soul, absence of vintage
> Rahman (I personally do not recognize this term), no Taal or Dil Se and
> Khawaja Mere Khawaja... The list is never ending. Write sensible
> negative review if you have to. Those who do not agree, give proper
> argument (or ignore it). Don't just get all defensive. Don't keep
> replying: "Oh yeah, you know better than AR". As we all know, AR reads
> our posts. If there is anything to be improved (if there is), this would
> be helpful. Instead of him going through all the unnecessary hate mails.
> >
> > I'm just writing this because recently (since 2007, when I joined),
> with every new releases someone will post a negative review and the rest
> start bashing that person. Let's have some healthy interactions here...
> >
> >
> > So, peace guys. Sorry about the lecture. Nobody likes free advices :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Please do not add me in YM. I
> only use this account for the group...
> >

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