very well said pavan..
  First of all, I don't believe that they've listened the complete track 

--- In, $ Pavan Kumar $ <pawancum...@...> wrote:
> Why CWG song is targeted by...
> Opposition - The name itself says "Opposition", what more can one expect from 
> them. Even if CWG becomes a success, they will oppose it saying that the 
> country 
> didn't need these games and only tax payers money was wasted on this.
> Media - Not every day they get a chance to publish a news against Rahman. 
> Just 
> to show that they are not partial to Rahman in everything he does, they are 
> publishing these kind of articles. So they are using this opportunity to 
> criticize his work by asking opinions about this song from every tom, dick 
> and 
> harry..
> Government - Some of them from Govt are using media to convey their 
> displeasures 
> about this song. Why? To divert the attention from other important 
> things(incomplete venues etc etc) and make ARR and the song the scapegoat. 
> After 
> all, they are the easy targets you see.
> So called Senior Music Composers - Firstly, they can't digest the fact that 
> why 
> only Rahman was asked to compose a theme song and why they were not...and the 
> most hurting factor for them is the price tag that is floating around for 
> that 
> song..
> Fans - Nothing new with these poor fellows...Some of them have genuine 
> reasons 
> for their dislike and others are still in 90's mode. They still refuse to 
> believe that Rahman is a human being. They want Roja's and Thiruda Thiruda's 
> all 
> the time..and when Rahman gives them the album  with 90's touch, they say 
> that 
> the song is outdated and Rahman has lost his touch...
> Just my opinion...not to hurt any one...

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