Perfect Write-Up

Kalyan K.

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:41 PM, live for arr Live <>wrote:

> No.
> he is a normal human being like us. he has got that extra god given talent
> called "music" with which he pleases millions of people around the world.
> Every human being is capable of making mistakes, cannot do every time the
> right thing. So, I request the fans to understand that he cannot produce
> music which will satisy ur ears every time u hear it. there are lots of
> generes in music in the world. every person who hears cannot like all the
> generes. So, hear only what u like. ARR cannot score music for the vieweres
> which he/she likes. He scores the music 4 a films based on the situation
> which the director gives. He cannot score a Thiruda thiruda for  every
> album. If he scores Thiruda thiruda for  every album, thn what will the fan
> say "ARR is become repetitive. The scores sounds like Thiruda thiruda only",
> u would have not got a Bombay, Dilse, Taal, Jodha Akabar etc. Please
> understand this basic thing before writing some thing.

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