>From KP's post:

"I have posted this a hundred times in this groups."

This is the problem that a lot of us have with you folks.  If you don't like an 
album or even a bunch of albums, fine...tell us why in an intelligent and 
constructive manner.  But, what you guys do is keep beating a dead horse with 
the same whining and complaining all the time about how ARR doesn't do this and 
ARR doesn't do that and ARR doesn't satisfy you anymore and ARR isn't composing 
your fantasy album.  You sound like a bunch of brats that are never satisfied 
with anything ARR does today.  We understand what you want, ok?  You don't have 
to keep drilling that in here.  Many here don't agree with you.  Many of us 
here think that ARR is in fact innovating at the level that you talk about, but 
within a different context and direction than what he did back in the 1990s. 
And even if ARR isn't being as innovative as what you claim, there are so many 
other strengths to his music of today that we love to talk about, but you 
whining folks never acknowledge that and many times counter it with the same 

Will you guys please stop with the same negativity and whining that goes on and 
on?  Did you read the post by Mathew Islam?  Read it carefully!  Why don't you 
talk about something that you appreciate about ARR's music these days instead 
of focusing on what you think is lacking all the time?  Or talk about some of 
ARR's albums from the 1990s that you love and discuss why....we'd love to join 
you in your appreciation.

Please stop the whining and constant inane negativity!  It really ruins the 
whole point of what this group is about and gets in the way of more intelligent 
and balanced discussions.....appreciation and constructive criticism of ARR's 
music.  If you prefer ARR of the 1990s, I and many others here have no problem 
with that....a lot may agree with you.  But, say it once and move on....don't 
keep bringing it up every single time a new ARR album comes out.  If you don't 
like the album, focus on the album alone and tell us why you don't like it in a 
constructive manner and quit complaining that ARR doesn't compose for you 

I hope I don't have to repeat this same exact message again sometime later.

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, kishore parayath <kishore.paray...@...> 
> Who wants ARR to score THIRUDA Thiruda for every album of his?? No one wants
> him to do so. Please try to correctly interpret posts here.
> While making comparisons with Thiruda Thiruda here... we dont want him to
> repeat thiruda thriuda. We want him to give 'Innovative Equivalents' to
> thiruda thiruda. Please quote that phrase.
> For example, Rangeela is a Kadhalan etc are completely different from
> thiruda thiruda. But Rangeela is an innovative equivalent to thiruda
> thiruda, eventhough it has no relation to thiruda thiruda. We want
> innovative equivalents... Not repeats.
> I have posted this a hundred times in this groups. Many have not understood.
> Iam sure, again after 6 weeks, another post will come saying that some
> people want ARR to repeat thiruda thiruda in every work of his.
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Kalyan K <kalyan...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Perfect Write-Up
> >
> > Kalyan K.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:41 PM, live for arr Live <livefor...@...>wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>  No.
> >>
> >> he is a normal human being like us. he has got that extra god given talent
> >> called "music" with which he pleases millions of people around the world.
> >> Every human being is capable of making mistakes, cannot do every time the
> >> right thing. So, I request the fans to understand that he cannot produce
> >> music which will satisy ur ears every time u hear it. there are lots of
> >> generes in music in the world. every person who hears cannot like all the
> >> generes. So, hear only what u like. ARR cannot score music for the vieweres
> >> which he/she likes. He scores the music 4 a films based on the situation
> >> which the director gives. He cannot score a Thiruda thiruda for  every
> >> album. If he scores Thiruda thiruda for  every album, thn what will the fan
> >> say "ARR is become repetitive. The scores sounds like Thiruda thiruda 
> >> only",
> >> u would have not got a Bombay, Dilse, Taal, Jodha Akabar etc. Please
> >> understand this basic thing before writing some thing.
> >>
> >>
> >  
> >

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