Thanks Misi!

In this particular case I dealing with a single server environment with low 
traffic. So I went ahead, changed the Block Size to 1 and I’m getting the 
nextId from the Metadata arschema form. So far it works just fine.

If I encounter difficulties though I’d probably have no choice but use an 
staging form and try the trick you mentioned.


> On 13. Oct 2017, at 14:12, Misi Mladoniczky <> wrote:
> **
> Hi,
> Any other tool, such as a plugin sver, would actually go through the AR 
> Server eventually before the Request ID is used and a record is created.
> There are two settings which you can play around with, and these would revert 
> back to the old behaviour of locking the table and increasing one step at a 
> time:
> Next-ID-Commit: F NextID-Block-Size: 1 
> And as the Block-Size can be set on a form level to one, it might not be too 
> bad for performance.
> But it might be hard to control anyway, as you have multiple servers and 
> threads, and they can be in the process of creating records more or less 
> simultaneously. So if you get the NextID in a filter, you might still get the 
> wrong one...
> It would be great if BMC had an oprtion to do an 
> Application-Reserver-Request-ID call, which you could call from an ACTL or 
> from a FLTR in order to immediately book the a Request ID and populate field 
> 1.
> But at the moment there is no such thing, which is also why BMC now 
> extensively uses the GUID-field instead of the Request ID, where you can get 
> this functionality.
> In your situation Miskiewicz, I would create my own way to reserve unique 
> numbers, and use that instead of the built in Request ID.
> There was an old trick, but I am not sure it will be future secure, and that 
> was to do a Filter Push-Fields to yourself so to speak, where the 
> qualification would be ('1' = $1$). You can then set a 
> display-only-trigger-field to trigger whatever workflow you need. This would 
> happen immediately after the record has been commited to the database, so you 
> do not need to wait for an escalation.
> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, <> (ARSList 
> MVP 2011)
> Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13)
> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs
> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at 
> <>
> October 13, 2017 1:53 PM, "Rick Cook" < 
> <mailto:%22Rick%20Cook%22%20<>>> wrote:
> **
> Randeep, yes, all requests flow THROUGH AR Server, but not all are generated 
> directly BY it. Outside products would likely use a plug-in server thread, 
> which creates the competition with direct AR Server calls for the Next ID 
> calls.
> Thomas, Notify already runs in Phase 3 - there is no "later phase". Run Order 
> can be used within that phase to set an order of operation.
> Rick Cook
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:07 PM, Randeep Atwal < 
> <>> wrote:
> **
> Other idea(s)
> Idea 1
> For just the Request ID instead of looping a table field, you can include it 
> statically in the subject and/or body line of the email. Since notify actions 
> run after the database commit occurs. You lose the template niceties for this 
> one field, but I think it's manageable since all notifications need a 
> reference ticket usually, and having it in the same format is realistic.
> 2 Create a new field for Incident ID - separate from the system generated 
> Request ID (FieldID 1) Since you are talking about using Request ID I guess 
> you are not using the BMC ITSM, app, and this is a custom app. But there is 
> nothing to stop you creating push field filter workflow that creates a unique 
> Incident Number in phase 1 filter processing that would be available. You 
> would create a form that does nothing but generate numbers, and use $LASTID$ 
> to get the number This would likely be painful to retrofit if you already 
> have lots of references to the request id all over the place.
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:43 PM, Thomas Miskiewicz < 
> <>> wrote:
> **
> Randeep, we don’t like the out of the box email templates so we’ve build our 
> own app. In that Workflow I loop through a table field to replace variables 
> of a template with the ticket data. Overwriting the filter phases means I 
> don’t have access to the Request ID when I need to send the notification. 
> Ticket $Request ID$ has been created ends up being Ticket has been created.
> Answering your question we arrive at another problem in BMC Remedy: no 
> control over filter phases for the user. Why cannot I postpone Notify to a 
> later phase on demand?
> It looks like I got two options left:
> 1. Set block size to 1
> 2. Instead of sending that email immediately push it to a staging form and 
> run an escalation to send emails after the holy grail Request-ID is finally 
> there.
> 3. Any other ideas?
> On 13. Oct 2017, at 04:08, Randeep Atwal < 
> <>> wrote:
>> **
>> Rick, everything that generates NextID's must come through an ARSystem 
>> server so I don't know what you mean when you say 'If you have multiple 
>> outside entities creating large number of records at once'  
>> All requests go through the AR Server.
>> I would theorize that you may have other factors in play once you remove the 
>> NextID bottleneck by using chunks of 100. Something to bear in mind is that 
>> by chunking NextID's, you cause the scalability of the system to go up (i.e. 
>> more records per second getting created) - but the per record response time 
>> under high load is likely to go down (due to the system being under heavy 
>> load, other downstream constraints such as CPU/Disk Speed start to appear, 
>> where they would not appear if the NextID bottleneck was in place) It 
>> effectively acts as a throttle. So your results could be easily 
>> misinterpreted.
>> I would think a way to confirm this is to generate parallel load from a high 
>> number of worker threads, and time how long it took to reach the same number 
>> of records created with 1 or 100 for the NextID chunk size. Then compare the 
>> times. Anyway, we are off on a tangent from the original topic
>> Thomas, I am actually curious as to why you want to know a nextid. What 
>> Abhijeet said explains why it doesn't make sense to ask for it, but often in 
>> workflow scenarios, where you want to generate something unique and 
>> refer/tie back to something else. you are better off using 
>> Application-Generate-GUID [" GUIDPrefix" ]
>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Rick Cook < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> **
>> Abhijeet, my results were repeated and conclusive. Here is the only logical 
>> explanation for my findings that makes sense:
>> There is a time cost to the DB call for Entry IDs. The cost increases 
>> incrementally the more that are requested at once. The thought is that 100 
>> individual requests will take substantially more time than retrieving 100 
>> IDs in one request. That thought has been proven to be correct - it's why 
>> the feature was added. However, the difference in time was tested against a 
>> system that had multiple sources (NMS) attempting to grab multiple Entry IDs 
>> at the same time, not a normal system without those multiple outside 
>> requests, because it was the first environment that was reporting the 
>> problem with performance.
>> On a system where the volume of IDs is high enough to cause a system 
>> bottleneck at the DB ID request, which requires multiple simultaneous 
>> requests from different sources, that bottleneck costs more additional time 
>> than is lost by the increased time it takes to request multiple IDs at one 
>> time. However, on a system that is not bound by the Next ID calls to the DB, 
>> or has only a single source (AR System) requesting IDs, there is no 
>> advantage gained by the multiple requests, because the time "gained" by 
>> having a cached ID is negligible - too small to even notice. And, as my 
>> testing proved (to my surprise), there was an increasing net cost to system 
>> performance as the number of IDs requested in a single call grew. This must 
>> be because the time it takes to gather, say, 100 records in one call is 
>> actually *higher* than it is to do 100 individual calls - IF AR System is 
>> the only source of those calls. The simple correlation is that if AR System 
>> is the only thing generating new Request ID requests to the DB, you don't 
>> need, and will not benefit from, a number larger than 1. If you have 
>> multiple outside entities creating large number of records at once, you very 
>> well may benefit from it.
>> My tests that showed decreasing performance as the Next Id block grew were 
>> creating about 1.5 million records, but, and this is important - all were 
>> from the same source - AR System workflow. There were no other simultaneous 
>> demands on the table, and few on the system. Therefore, the system of 
>> generating one ID at a time had a cumulatively lower transaction time than 
>> it did when it had to wait for multiples to be retrieved and then allocated 
>> individually. The BMC Engineer, who I know to be very smart and experienced 
>> with Remedy, had no explanation for my results. I believe this to be that 
>> BMC didn't test against a control (normal) system, and therefore had no data 
>> on its effect on them.
>> Why then, they chose to recommend that setting to all customers, is a 
>> mystery to me.
>> Rick Cook
>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Gadgil, Abhijeet < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> **
>> Rick, I do not think that is accurate.
>> Logically, if the block size is 100 then the server will access the DB once 
>> to retrieve the next block id every 100 records. If it is 1, then the server 
>> goes to the DB for every record.
>> Later cannot be faster.
>> Further, to answer the original question, returning the next id in an API 
>> call would mean preventing creation of ids by anyone other than the caller 
>> until the id has actually been used -- otherwise the information might be 
>> obsolete before the client receives it. That is the reason for not exposing 
>> it via an API
>> Regards,
>> Abhijeet
>> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
>> [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>] On Behalf Of Rick 
>> Cook
>> Sent: 13 October 2017 02:12
>> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>
>> Subject: Re: What's the NextId?
>> **
>> Here's the skinny on that. I got this from the engineer who built that 
>> feature, btw.
>> The problem was that system performance was being constricted around the 
>> action of getting the NextId for a record when multiple sources (say, 
>> Netcool and HPOV) were throwing tons of requests at the (Incident) form at 
>> the same time. The process of getting each Next Entry ID in individual DB 
>> calls was bottlenecking the process of creating the records. So that's why 
>> BMC came up with a way to pre-allocate those in bulk, so that only every N 
>> times (whatever the number is set to) would an actual call to the DB to get 
>> Next IDs be necessary. The transaction time to retrieve 1 or 100 wasn't much 
>> different, and those customers with multiple programs requiring many 
>> simultaneous record creations saw a marked performance increase. It was, and 
>> is, a good feature add.
>> So (then a miracle occurs) and BMC announces that this particular corner 
>> case had a solution that everyone should benefit from, and announced that 
>> the number should be 100 for *all* customers. I tested this back in 7.6.04 
>> against a RH server, with settings at 1, 10, 100, and 1000, and found that 
>> performance was actually NEGATIVELY affected the higher the number was set. 
>> It wasn't a huge difference (10%~), but it was a clear, repeatable one for 
>> which BMC's engineer had no explanation. It is why I have always advocated 
>> that unless a customer has the specific set of circumstances that caused the 
>> feature to be beneficial, there is no real benefit to setting the number 
>> larger than 1. And there are minor drawbacks to doing so, the current 
>> subject being one of them.
>> Every time I ask someone from BMC to justify a larger number to the average 
>> customer, they repeat the party line, unaware of the history behind the 
>> feature. I will continue to tilt at this windmill until someone at BMC shows 
>> me some performance testing numbers that justify this setting for the entire 
>> customer base.
>> Rick
>> On Oct 12, 2017 13:30, "Thomas Miskiewicz" < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> **
>> i.e. there is no hack to find out the nextID before it actually gets 
>> submitted?
>> Apart from that, I really don’t understand why BMC makes such a fuss around 
>> the nextID. Why can’t they just provide a special command GET-NEXTID?
>> Thomas
>> On Oct 12, 2017, at 10:26 PM, LJ LongWing < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> **
>> There are no interfaces that I'm aware of to ask a specific server what the 
>> next id it will hand out for a specific form is
>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Thomas Miskiewicz < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> with NextID Block size being set to 100 —> is it possible the find out using 
>> the API which will be the next Request-ID that the server will assign to a 
>> request? Or what other options do I have to find out?
>> --Thomas
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