That’s the issue.  We don’t have an existing windows install to copy the files 
from and BMC has not been able to provide us binaries.  My ticket was 
supposedly escalated to engineering and we got the same response, which was 
RTFM (read the frickin manual).

With that being said, the only option Support have given me is to do a full 
install of ARS in a windows environment on a VM just to grab these files.  
Seems like a lot of overheard, especially when the 8.1.00 allows us to just 
install email.

MAPI is our only option.  This is a government agency and they have handcuffed 
us on the options we have.

Thanks all for the responses.

From: ARSList <> On Behalf Of Reif, Douglas
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:19 AM
To: ARSList <>
Subject: RE: Configure Incoming Email

I completely agree with Jason.   The instructions for this are at
 and walk you through this process.   Most of the steps are what Jason says,  
copy over files from an existing Windows email engine and editing some of them. 
 The magic is in the armaild.bat which will create the service.  If you have 
any issue creating the service, try SC.
You should be able get a copy of the AREMAIL directory from Windows (the key 
stuff that you need) from another lister or Support.


From: ARSList <<>> 
On Behalf Of Jason Miller
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 8:03 AM
To: ARSList <<>>
Subject: Re: Configure Incoming Email

I had the requirement back in 6.0 and 6.3. I did just like you mentioned with 
Linux AR Server and a Windows utility server where I installed the Email Engine 
so MAPI could be used. Of course that was when different components could be 
selected in the installer.

This might not be ideal but you should be able to copy the email engine 
directory from an existing Windows install, modify the config and run the batch 
file to install as a service. The trick is getting somebody to send you the 
Windows binaries (I would think BMC could do this, they have plenty of Windows 
environments they could grab a copy from), you might be able to dig it out of 
the installer files (I see an emailengine dir under Disk1 -> files) or you 
could install AR Server into a throwaway Windows sandbox just to grab the EE 

With that said, I typically try to stay away from MAPI. In my experience MAPI 
is least reliable out of MAPI, POP and IMAP. Is it possible to setup your own 
email server for Remedy? At my last org we were faced with a similar situation 
and I was determined to move away from MAPI so I installed hMailServer (it was 
all Windows environment). We used IMAP against hMailServer and had Exchange 
setup to forward a few older existing addresses as well as a sub domain to our 
mail server. It added another potential point of failure however we had 
considerably less issues with incoming email vs using MAPI and the server guys 
were no longer complaining about all of the servers we had Outlook installed on.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 7:57 AM, Kevin Shaffer 
<<>> wrote:
We are an ARS 8.1.02 Unix install base.  We have a requirement to enable 
incoming email, however the only protocol we can use is MAPI.  Is this possible 
and how?

I thought we could install email engine and the 32 bit outlook client on a 
separate windows box to meet this requirement.  I thought there was an 
installer from Email Engine.  In 8.1.02, the AR Server Installer is just one 
installer and you can’t select the components.  8.1.00 has a separate Email 
Engine installer but I am told by BMC Support that I cant run 8.1.00 Email 
Engine against 8.1.02 system.  BMC Support has also sent me instructions on 
remotely installing email engine but I think those instructions are for a like 
environment (Unix to Unix or Windows to Windows)

I am wondering if anyone has had this requirement before and how they 
implemented the solution.

Thanks in advance.

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