We do not have custom login pages for our different apps, we use to. We basically customized the remedy/bmc login with our banner and have a js file we include that contains different info we show depending on what is selected in our home page. So if some select app "xyz" it takes them to the login page and shows "xyx" information. If they select "abc" from out home page it takes them to the login page and show the info for "abc". That way everything has a sort of standard look and feel and operation.

It may not be perfect, but it works for us


Rocky Rockwell
eMA Team – Remedy Developer
Ph#1: 214-567-8874
Ph#2: 325-884-1263

Jack Samson wrote:

Is it possible to have a custom login page for every Mid-Tier application using Mid-Tier 7.01? I have added the custom login to the application and the application is always going to the shared/login.jsp.



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