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Dave Drake | Remedy Administrator | Cerner Corporation - CernerWorks |
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From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Sundberg
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 7:26 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: FAQ for Customer enforced licensing model in AR System
7.1.00 part I

If somebody logs in that has a defined float license - but performs no
actions that require a license (say submits their own record) - will a
license usage be logged?


On 8/9/07, Easter, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 



        Q: Do I still need a key for AR System server?

        A: Yes.  You will still need to obtain a key from BMC for each
AR System Server.  To expedite this process, we've already created a
place where you can get a temporary license key while you are waiting
for your permanent key to be sent to you.


        You will need the following information to request a temporary
license key for trial usage or while the processing of your permanent
key is performed:


        1.      Login to Support Central at
        2.      Click on the Licensing and Passwords
0.html>  link 
        3.      Click on the Request a Trial/Temporary License
5,00.html>  link 
        4.      Agree to the End User License Agreement 
        5.      Choose your product and enter the requested information 
        6.      Click the Request License button 
        7.      Your temporary license key will be sent via Email 

          NOTE: The keys generated on this page are 30 day trial keys.
Remember to return 
                     to the Licensing page to obtain your permanent keys
when you are notified they
                     are ready. 


        Q: So if I want to increase the number of AR System Fixed or
Floating Users on my licensed AR System server, do I need a key?

        A: No.  You do not need a key.  To increase the number of users,
you will only need to go into the Administration Console and increase
the number of licenses.  You will then need to notify BMC or a BMC
partner that you have increased the number and wish to purchase the
amount to which you've increased.


        Q: If I upgrade AR System Server to 7.1.00, but not my ITSM
application (e.g. Change Management), will I still need keys for my ITSM

        A: No.  License management is done by the server - so if you
upgrade your AR System server to 7.1.00, the applications will no longer
require a key to be licensed.


        Q: So you're getting rid of licensing?

        A: No.  We are removing the need for keys to license AR System
based applications, users, and add-ons.  A license is still required.
Licenses will still need to be purchased and entered into the AR System
Administration Console.  The big difference is that a key is no longer
required to enter that license.


        Q: Does this change any licensing restrictions?

        A: No.  Licenses behave just as they do in AR System today.  The
difference is that a key is no longer required to enter that license.


        Q: How is license usage kept on the server?

        A: To gather information about license usage, each AR System
server scans the system approximately every 45 minutes and writes the
results to a file named LicenseReport.txt.  This file contains a running
log of license usage for each license type.


        Q: LicenseReport.txt - that's a text file?

        A: Yes - and it is human readable.  It could also be used by
developers for other purposes such as long term trending of license


        Q: How will BMC ensure that the log file is not tampered with?

        A: By moving to this license key model, BMC is extending its
trust in customers.  We expect that this file will not be tampered with
beyond expected maintenance actions - for example, backing the file up
after a billing period.  The file does contain an internal checksum that
could be used by BMC in extreme cases of misuse.


        Q: How can I monitor my usage to ensure I'm not using more
licenses than I can afford?

        A: To make sure that you are in compliance with your purchased
licenses, you can periodically generate a license usage report for each
of your AR System servers (including each server in a server group). The
report contains the following information:

        - For AR System and application user floating licenses, the
greatest number of licenses in use at the same time during the period
covered by the report.

        - For AR System and application user fixed licenses, the
greatest number of licenses assigned at the same time during the period
covered by the report.

        - For applications or add-ons, whether the application or add-on
has been licensed.


        Q: How do I generate that license usage report?

        A: You can generate it from the Administration Console or
through a command line on the AR System server.  The report is written
to a file named ReportResult.csv.  If the report was generated from the
console, the csv file will be automatically transferred back to the
client for viewing in any .csv capable viewer (e.g. Excel).


        Q: Can that report be run against a specific date range?

        A: Yes, assuming that date range is captured in the
LicenseReport.txt log file.


        Q: ReportResult.csv - that's another text file?  Couldn't that
be tampered with as well?

        A: By moving to this license key model, BMC is extending its
trust in customers.  We expect that this file will not be tampered with
if presented to a BMC representative.  However, this file too has an
internal checksum that could be used by BMC in extreme cases of misuse.


        Q: Can I see who is using a given license using this new license
key model?

        A: That capability has not been enhanced beyond existing
features found in today's AR System.  We hope to be able to expand on
these capabilities in a future release.


        Q: I don't want an unlimited number of users logging into my
system.  Can I control that in some way?

        A: Yes.  When you add AR System or application user licenses to
a server, you specify the number of such licenses. This number is the
maximum number of licenses available for use.  This is equivalent to the
number of users that were defined within a key previously - but now they
are defined by the Administrator.


        Q: So I have to enter the number of licenses I purchased?

        A: No.  You can make any number of user licenses available on
your server regardless of the number you purchased. For example, if you
purchased 10 AR User Fixed licenses but need to use 15, you can
immediately update the Number of Licenses field-you do not have to wait
for BMC to give you a key. You are expected to report this increase in
usage to BMC and will be charged accordingly.  If, during an audit, BMC
finds that your usage exceeded your purchased license count, you will be
billed for the additional use.


        Q: Can I set the number lower than the number of licenses I

        A: Yes.  We expect that some customers will choose this option
to ensure that they do not exceed the number of licenses that they have
purchased, but have a "soft cap" that can be raised if they begin to run
out of licenses.


        Q: Can I set the number higher than the number of licenses I

        A: Yes.  If you set the number higher than the number of
licenses you purchased but find that your usage never exceeds the number
of licenses you purchased, you will remain in compliance.  However, if
your usage report shows that you have exceeded your number of purchased
licenses, you will then need to notify BMC or a BMC partner that you
have exceeded your purchased total and wish to purchase the amount to
which you've increased.



David J. Easter
Product Line Manager       <>        
AR System - BMC Service Management Business Unit


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John David Sundberg
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