Would really appreciate some ARSSSO functionality and support as well..
Is this going to happen ?
There is no current Tomcat  / Solaris ARSSO support.
There is ability to ARSSO someone who actually has a password in the system,
only those who are LDAP authenticated.
There is no actual - ARSSOINFO.dll's Floating around for the UT AutoLogin
I have heard rumors of one, I have asked for one, I asked that someone would
send me one.. but all has been a no go..

Any help in the area would also be appreciated.. I know if I was a Coder, I
might be able to create one. But it does help to actually have an example
that works too..

Thanks.. any additional help appreciated.

On 10/7/07, Mueller, Doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, I apologize if this message is a repeat.  I got a bounce message
> saying
> it was not posted.  It is an important message so I wanted to send it
> again to
> make sure that it got posted.
> Recently, there has been another thread on this list that has discussed
> issues/
> challenges/concerns/praises (yes, there have been a couple of those as
> well if
> you go back and read ALL the messages) for the support team and support
> interaction with BMC.
> The support team wanted me to forward a note to you all with some
> comments.
> < see the attached word document >
> I also wanted to add a few thoughts of my own on the subject:
> There is a committed and dedicated team of support engineers here
> working to
> help you, our customers.  When I interact with the support team -- from
> the
> front line engineers to the second line through to the escalation team
> -- they
> all have the focus of helping the customer to succeed.  I have not seen
> this
> passion and focus on the customer diminish.  And, there have been some
> recent
> posts from folks who have been the beneficiaries of these engineers
> going out
> of their way and out of bounds to help on critical situations.
> ON THE OTHER HAND, have there been issues/problems?  Absolutely.  Are
> there
> improvements that need to be made.  Absolutely.  Are there issues
> ranging from
> training to support infrastructure that can be improved?  Absolutely.
> Are these areas being worked on?  Absolutely.  And, I hope you are
> seeing some
> of the impact of these changes already and you will see more as the
> change
> continues.
> The end goal of the customer support team is to provide an exemplary
> support
> experience.  This is whether you are simply interacting with the web
> site to find
> some data or you have a question you need to speak to someone about or
> you
> (on those hopefully rare occasions) have a flaw or failure you really
> need some
> assistance with.
> There has been a significant restructuring and transition of the support
> team.
> Yes, that means that some long term knowledgeable staff have moved to
> new roles
> and that there is a larger than usual group of new support staff.  Yes,
> that
> means that some of the support staff is in different locations than
> before.
> There remains work to do in this area with making sure that everyone on
> the team
> has all the knowledge they need and have the skills (including things
> like
> language skills in some cases) that they need.  The team is committed to
> resolving these issues.
> Although the transition has caused some challenge in some areas, it has
> also
> provided some benefit in others in terms of having folks available at
> wider hours
> for key issues.  We need to make sure that these benefits are retained
> while
> working through and eliminating any issues from the transition.
> I would hope you are seeing improvements for any area where you have had
> a
> problem and those improvements should continue.
> The team has had a major focus over the past 4 to 6 months on improving
> the
> interaction with customers -- especially via the web site.
> Delivered
>   Automated temp licensing site for all Remedy licenses
>      This has removed a major source of frustration from customers and
> partners
>      about getting temp licenses and delays in this process
> Coming soon
>   Mid-tier upgrade to 7.1
>       Resolves issues with browser compatibility with Firefox
> specifically,
>       improves performance, more capability
>   KM changes
>       Shifting to using the RKM product for KM to provide better
> searching,
>       access to more data sources -- including documents
>   General web site improvements
>       More efficient and better structure in many places on the web
> site.
>       Simpler, more efficient product lists.  Cleaner, clearer
> interaction.
> Internally
>   Improvements on the customer support application and interactions to
> give
>       the support engineers better access to data about you and about
> the
>       system so they can help you more efficiently
>   Training -- both hard and soft skills -- is a continuing focus
> These are just a sample of some of the types of things being done.  I
> have been
> working with the team on a number of them and I know that they are
> commited to
> making it happen and improvements are getting out there.  There are some
> more
> creative ideas behind this set of changes that will come after these
> roll out.
> At the end of the day, I see a support team who remains committed to you
> and to
> making you successful.  There were a large number of changes very
> quickly in the
> support organization that have caused some disruption and some
> challenges -- that
> is clear and obvious internally and unfortunately, it is visible in too
> many
> cases externally as well.  There is dedicated effort to do better.
> I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the feedback path offered
> in the
> message from the support team.  They want to hear about challenges or
> issues.  It
> is an important set of input to understand what needs to be fixed.  They
> are
> committed to listening to that feedback and working to correct the
> underlying
> issues that are causing challenges.  By the way, it is OK to use that
> path (or
> other more traditional paths like the survey feedback) to tell them what
> is going
> well or when improvements show up that correct challenges.  They can
> always use
> the good feedback too!
> Doug Mueller
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Patrick Zandi

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