{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab360{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}

\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 I'm assuming you checked both the Application as well as System logs in the Windows Event viewer????\par


What about the arerror log file at the time the system went down?\par




-----Original Message-----\par

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:03 AM\par


Subject: Re: ARERR 90 - RPC: Miscellaneous TLI Error - System error ?\par



Our support team has found that the 2 error logs we sent showed that both times the ar server crapped out at a filter/filter guide. SRM:AOI:Process_IN_PushAppRequestInfo_05_EventParam_TableLoop (165)\par


I wonder if the other 2 people experiencing issue might be able to check their filter logs to see if it happens at that filter also.\par




On Feb 14, 9:01  am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:\par

> Nothing unusual in the event log of either ars server or ars db\par

> server.\par


> On Feb 14, 1:20  am, Joe D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\par






> > Also take a look at your Windows Events log and check the errors that get\par

> > written in chronological order.. This will probably give you an insight as\par

> > to why the AR Server service restarted as there might be related errors\par

> > written to the event long prior to the AR Server restart that may have\par

> > caused it to restart..\par


> > Cheers\par


> > Joe\par


> > -----Original Message-----\par

> > From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)\par



> > Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 5:10 PM\par


> > Subject: Re: ARERR 90 - RPC: Miscellaneous TLI Error - System error ?\par


> > Thanks for the tips.\par


> > We are running Windows 2003\par

> > Remedy 7.0.1 patch 4\par

> > ITSM 7.0.3 patch 6\par

> > SRM 2.1\par

> > SLM 7.0.3 patch 4\par


> > Database is on a remote server with windows 2003 and sql 2000.\par


> > I will check out the email part and hopefully see something that can\par

> > be fixed.\par


> > Harry\par


> > On Feb 13, 4:51   pm, john rosquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\par

> > > Consider disabling escalations for a bit.    Also, consider and evaluate\par

> > the email engine. Are the emails in the queues very large. Are there LOTS of\par

> > them?\par


> > > Unix or windows?\par


> > > Penetration testing will cause a remedy server to crash, but just once per\par

> > scan event.\par


> > > John\par


> > > ----- Original Message ----\par



> > > Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 4:14:34 PM\par

> > > Subject: Re: ARERR 90 - RPC: Miscellaneous TLI Error - System error ?\par


> > > Did that.. and they are looking into it...\par


> > > Why would the remedy service suddenly restart?\par

> > > I can see it happen.    I've seen it 3 times when people message me that\par

> > > it is down.\par

> > > I check the server and the remedy service restarts (not the sever but\par

> > > just the service)\par


> > > arerror.log doesn't seem to indicate anything other than the actual\par

> > > error users get.\par

> > > DB log file shows no errors.\par


> > > On Feb 13, 3:20 pm, john rosquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\par

> > > > TLI error is a networking error.    Given that the ARS server happens to\par

> > be down at the time, it means that the client/midtier cannot connect to it.\par


> > > > Turn SQL and API logging on. Look in the arerror.log in the db\par

> > directory. Look at your db too.\par


> > > > Call home to support to have them start working the issue too.\par


> > > > John Rosquist\par

> > > > Windward\par


> > > > ----- Original Message ----\par



> > > > Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:38:26 PM\par

> > > > Subject: Re: ARERR 90 - RPC: Miscellaneous TLI Error - System error ?\par


> > > > Hi,\par


> > > > We are getting the same issues.\par

> > > > When looking at the event logs and witnessing it happen, it looks like\par

> > > > something is causing the Remedy service to restart by itself on our\par

> > > > system.\par

> > > > This causes a 2-4 minutes outage as the remedy service restarts\par

> > > > itself.\par

> > > > We are in the midst of troubleshooting.\par


> > > > Anyone else with any ideas on how approach troubleshooting this?\par

> > > > It really has us stumped here.\par


> > > > Thanks\par


> > > > On Feb 13, 11:41 am, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\par

> > > > > We (2 admins) just experienced this exact error yesterday.    I was\par

> > just\par

> > > > > Emailing my network security folks to see if there are any "security"\par

> > > > > port scans that might be occuring.    We're building our production 7.1\par

> > > > > server so the fast and list tread count are default "out of the box".\par

> > > > > I had a rpc connection error during the same time frame while loading\par

> > > > > SRM.\par


> > > > > On Feb 13, 8:43 am, "Durrant, Michael M. - ITSD"\par


> > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:\par

> > > > > > Howdy listers,\par


> > > > > >                   Yesterday, when submitting searches, we were being\par

> > greeted by a\par

> > > > > > strange error:\par


> > > > > >                   AR ERR [90] Cannot establish a network connection to the\par

> > AR\par

> > > > > > System server: dhwrem (0) : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System\par

> > error\par

> > > > > > (connection refused)\par


> > > > > >                   We could create new cases and modify existing cases, but\par

> > we\par

> > > > > > could not submit searches.    I checked the arerror.log and there was\par

> > > > > > nothing out of the ordinary, save for a bunch of "SendEMail() 390620\par

> > :\par

> > > > > > Parameter list for a function is empty" messages, which are typical\par

> > (yet\par

> > > > > > unexplained) on our system.\par


> > > > > >                   In a moment of panic, I increased the number of list and\par

> > fast\par

> > > > > > threads on our server and restarted the server.    I haven't seen the\par

> > > > > > error yet today but the morning is still young...\par


> > > > > >                   Any one seen this before?\par


> > > > > > TIA,\par

> > > > > > Michael\fs18  \f1\fs20\par


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