Here is a little something I did with Klink and Ruby.

It writes an xml file properly formatted for rss for each and every group in "Group". It populates the rss with a query against a fictitious table "KineticRequests" where Status = 2 (Assigned) and Group = "Group Name".

(It is written in my new favorite language Ruby -- however -- Klink will work with any language)

Get klink here

If you are interested in my 'link' library for Ruby (uses Kinetic Link) -- email me direct off the list.

require 'rss/maker'
require 'link'

Kinetic::Link::entries('Group').each do |group|
  group_detail = Kinetic::Link::entry('Group',group)

  group_name = group_detail['105']

  content = RSS::Maker.make("2.0") do |m| = "#{group_name} Open Requests" = "http://somewhere"; = "#{group_name} list of assigned requests"
    m.items.do_sort = true # sort items by date

Kinetic::Link.entries('KineticRequests', "\'Status\'=\"2\" AND \'Assigned_to\' = \"#{group_name}\"").each do |entry|
      entry_detail = Kinetic::Link.entry('KineticRequests',entry)
      i = m.items.new_item
      i.title = entry_detail['8'] = "http://someserver/someprogram?#{entry_detail['1']}" =

  end"rss-feed-#{group_name}.xml","w") do |f|



John David Sundberg
235 East 6th Street, Suite 400B
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 556-0930-work
(651) 247-6766-cell
(651) 695-8577-fax

On Sep 25, 2008, at 4:16 AM, Steven Pataray wrote:

Great I understand. So for my support staffs request I would have to create an xml file that only displays his groups tickets using an Escalation. But to set this up so others can see there own data (bigger picture) I would have to create a form available via Mid-Tier with a drop down box of all the different groups and they would have to select what groups tickets they would like to see. Then with workflow create the xml and post it. Sounds pretty easy as long as I can get the xml to look correct.

By the way, I tried to use the Data Visualization, but found out that the Data Visualization Server needs to be configured on Mid-Tier to get it to work. Mid-Tier 6.3 doesn't have that field in the available in the config_general.jsp. I'm guessing that it's in 7.x version.

The Klink doesn't work on ServletExec which my Mid-Tier is setup on. This is the same problem I ran into getting the Kinetic survey lite to work. I have ServletExec running my Mid-Tier on the same server as the arsystem application. I was told that both ServletExec and Tomcat can co-exist on the same server but the arsystem Java requirements for arserver 6.3 is 1.4 and Tomcat is a minimum of 1.5 so it had a conflict. :-/ I'm still interested in the Klink product so I'll probably just setup a virtual webserver to handle this instead.

Mahalo for all your suggestions.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Theo Fondse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can DIY in any version of ARS simply by creating workflow that creates a .xml text file that complies to the format requirements for RSS (see ) and publishing it on your web server – Easy.

The BMCDN utility is also easy to use.

Best Regards,


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of Steven Pataray
Sent: 23 September 2008 21:59
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

Subject: Re: RSS feeds to Remedy data


View fields are suported so that's promissing. I'll see if the .def files which were provided will work.



On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Joe DeSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Data Visualization fields are an extension to View fields - in architecture I think its the same rose with a different name..

Does it not work with MT 6.3?


----- Original Message ----
From: Steven Pataray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 1:40:27 PM
Subject: Re: RSS feeds to Remedy data


I looked at the BMC Developers Network which David Easter pointed me to and then also looked within the forums for more info and they all are hinting that we have to be at Mid-Tier/Arsystem of 7.1x because it uses the Data Visualization. Is that really required? Does using the Data Visualization the only way to publish the xml? Our company is currently at Mid-Tier/Arsystem 6.3. Can this be done on this lower version?



On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Theo Fondse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi Steve!

Been there, done that. Created a console form for adding messages and an escalation that publishes the xml file on the web server. Very easy to do.

Best Regards,


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of Steven Pataray
Sent: 23 September 2008 01:48

To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: RSS feeds to Remedy data


One of my support people asked if Remedy data can be available via RSS feeds. I guess he was thinking he could subscribe to a groups queue and access it to have a quick lookup of what is outstanding. Does anyone know if this type of service is possible or would be possible in the future?

Windows 2003 - Remedy 6.3

Oracle 10GR1



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