I guess they had to do something here.

Currently BMC Configuration Discovery doesn't use the virtual system
classes but BMC Foundation Discovery does which makes reconciliation
interesting in environments using both tools!

It will be interesting to see the 7.5 versions of these tools.

> According to the ITSM 7.5 release notes, the Virtual System class has been
> deprecated (and removed). Therefore the ITSM 7.5 upgrader will move all
> the CIs from this class to the Computer System class.
> Therefore it looks like BMC agreed with us that this class was not very
> useful after all!
> So I would strongly recommend not to use this Virtual System class since
> the data will end up in the computer system class in 7.5 anyways
> Guillaume
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guillaume Rheault
> Sent: Mon 01/19/09 10:40 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG; arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: RE: Accounting for Virtual Servers in the CMDB
> We have the virtual servers in the computer system class, just like
> physical servers. To identify whether it is a physical server or a virtual
> server, we use the product name and the manufacturer. For instance, for
> VMWare, the manufacturer is "VMWare Inc", and the product name is "VMWare
> Virtual Platform". We could have created a new attribute, a radio button,
> to specify physical or virtual server, but in the end, we felt it was not
> needed because the manufacturer and the product name are sufficient to
> distinguish the type of server.
> The advantage of having physical and virtual servers in the computer
> system class is ease of use: you don't have to know in advance whether it
> is a physical or virtual server when querying the entries. This is
> solution is very usable and keeps things simple.
> If you use the virtual system class to store the virtual servers and the
> computer system class to store the physical servers, then this means that
> the user (system administrator, DBA, app developer, etc) would need to
> know to query the virtual system class for virtual servers and the
> computer system class for physical servers... not very usable, they
> probably will not like that.
> The relationship of the virtual server to the physical server is desirable
> to have. In both scenarios (VM in virtual system class or computer system
> class), you can create a relationship to the parent physical server
> computer system entry. So no impediment there either way.
> As background information, in the CMDB 1.x, when the user queried the
> entries for a class, with an unqualified search, the entries for
> subclasses were also displayed. This changed in CMDB 2.x: if you query a
> class, you will not see the entries for the sub-classes. The Virtual
> System class is a sub-class of computer system, so you have to query that
> form/class specifically to display the entries. All this is "thanks" to
> the new class stub OBJSTR:CatClassStub. I guess BMC considered the CMDB
> 1.x behavior a bug, or at least unexpected behavior, which in a sense it
> was. However, it also makes the new structure a bit less usable in a way.
> -Guillaume Rheault
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of SCOTT
> Sent: Fri 01/16/09 11:02 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Accounting for Virtual Servers in the CMDB
> Is anyone using the CMDB (2.1 patch 004) and Asset application (7.0.3
> patch 008) to account for virtual servers? Does anyone have a white paper
> with some best practices that I could steal? There seems to be classes
> that are related to Virtual servers (System-->Virtual System for example)
> but how are they best used? Standalone? Related to a Computer System?
> If anyone is doing it or has information, please pass it along.
> Thanks.
> Scott Philben
> CSC Remedy Developer
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