I would like a copy of this is you could send it to me.

Kevin Begosh, RSP
Tech Ops
Enterprise Business Services
301-791-3540 Phone
410-422-3623 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 1:14 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Adding an Incident field to SRM


SRM 2.2 patch 002
ITSM 7.3 patch 009

I recently was tasked to add an "Asset Tag" field to SRM that would ask
the User for his Asset Tag and then pass the data to the Incident and
create a relationship to the affected asset (if there is one) on the
Relationships Tab. I was able to use some temporary display only fields
to do the work (since I didn't want to add any fields to the form) on
the HPD:Help Desk form (plus a couple of filters) but when I tried to
create a field in SRM to capture the data and pass it on to Incident, I
got nothing but errors (ARERR 311 to be exact). So I worked with BMC to
find out why. It turns out that not only do you have to configure SRM to
use a specific field on the Incident form, which is fairly not
straightforward, you have to update the HPD:Help Desk staging form
(which sits between SRM and HPD:Help Desk) and update a Filter that
pushes the staging form data to Incident.

Needless to say, none of this is documented. And (shocker!) BMC doesn't
even follow its own recommendations when it comes to staging forms or
filter creation (they have the "Matching IDs" option for a reason). 

So, to make it less painful for the next person, I wrote it all up in a
little document which I would like to attach to this post. But I can't.
So if anyone else out there would like a copy of the Word doc, let me

-scott philben

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