Hello list.




OS: Sun OS 5.9    

DB: Oracle - 64bi  

AR Server v7.1 (patch 007)

AR Mid Tier v7.1.0.007

Atrium CMDB v2.1.0.005

ITSM v7.03 (patch 007)


I have a requirement to open the related “AST…” form rather than the “BMC…” 
class form when a user right clicks on a object within the CI Viewer and 
selects [View] from the menu to open the CI.  The “AST…” form should only be 
displayed if launched from within the CI Viewer.  The normal “BMC…” class form 
should be opened when interacting directly with the CMDB.


Here’s what I have so far:

1.  I added a new (Display Only) attribute to “BaseElement” named 

2.  On “Window Open”, I need to set this field with a value of “CI_VIEWER” ONLY 
if the form was opened from within the CI Viewer.

a.  This is where the problem exist.  I cannot figure out how to identify that 
the form was opened via the CI Viewer.

b.  With Active Link logging on, the first thing that shows up in the log, is 
the “On Window Open” condition, which is the same regardless to if the form was 
open from the CI Viewer or direct interaction with the CMDB.

3.  If I set the flag field with “CI_VIEWER”, I can then have AL workflow 
perform a lookup in “SHR:SchemaNames” to get the AST form name, then open that 
form.  Otherwise, the normal BMC class form is opened.


Currently, the flag field is always set, so the AST form is always opened 
(which is not what we want). Has anyone successfully implemented such a 
customization?  Or, does anyone know how I can capture the menu selection event 
from the CI Viewer?


Any insight would be greatly appreciated.




Leonard Neely

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