Did you change the labels on any of your enums? I hit this all the time if I changed something.
Example -
A filter was created with a Qualification of Status < "Work In Progress". You changed the enum 7  from "Work In Progress" to "Development in Progress". Now you open a filter that included this qualification and look at the qualification.. Guess what, it still says "Work In Progress".  As long as you don't touch the qualification you can still save the filter. Once you touch the qualification, even to add another clause, then Developer Studio checks that the qualification is valid.. which it isn't because it didn't properly translate the enum to words. You have to edit the Qualification and say Status < 7 which will get it to resolve to Development in Progress and now you can happily save..
This is frustrating.. Is it just me or did Admin Tool do this properly and translate the enum label for you when you opened the Filter for editing????

Kelly Deaver

kdea...@kellydeaver.com (ARSlist mail)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Data types are not appropriate for relational operation,
313, error message
From: Kevin Begosh <kbeg...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, January 07, 2010 11:13 am
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

Sorry I meant to say this before I sent it out.  I seems like it is only happening on one of our environments, one developer tool etc...  Any reason anyone know why this would be happening.  What is wrong with that environment that the developer tool would be mistaking on selection values, I guess more so not recognizing them?

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Kevin Begosh <kbeg...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am on 7.5 and I noticed that I am getting these error messages quite frequently when working with our of the box selection fields.  Has anyone else been getting these.  For example I am working with filter
and all I want to do is add an additional item to the run if so that does not fire for a specific instance I am setting it to.  When I try to save my changes I keep getting that error message
Data types are not appropriate for relational operation,  313,

It looks like the out of the box code is getting the error message.
For instance if you go in that filter and change one of the selection fields to a different value, such as 'UnknownUser' from False to True I get that error message.
Is there something querky going on with 7.5, is it something with the server I am on, or the developer tool etc....
I never got these on the admin tool prior to 7.5
Env: windows 2003 server, AR Server 7.5, ITSM 7.5

Kevin Begosh

Kevin Begosh
_Platinum Sponsor: rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_
_Platinum Sponsor: rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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