We use SRM 2.2 to allow users to see their incidents and requests without 
actually entering the ITSM suite; they don't have unlimited search abilities 
and in fact don't see any forms in the traditional sense.  It does allow them 
to see any entry they submitted and if you configure the 'On Behalf Of' rules 
accordingly, they can also view entries submitted by departmental coworkers, 

The downside is that the 'On Behalf Of' view doesn't show more than one user's 
entries at a time.  Our workaround was to create a 'generic' profile for each 
customer department and then grant department members 'On Behalf Of' access to 
that user.  New submissions are done under the 'generic' user with the actual 
submitter listed as a contact.  It gives departments one 'queue' to examine if 
they so choose.  It's not elegant, but it is effective.

Unfortunately, department policies prevent us from customizing the base ITSM 
application (we can add to it but not tweak it).  In theory, we'll reap the 
benefits when we upgrade to SRM 7.6 in the very near future.  We're hoping that 
it provides a better solution than our workaround.

-          Don

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of strauss
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 12:14 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Displaying open requests for Customers and SRM Documentation

I was asked if there is any way a customer can see all of their open requests 
(meaning Incidents), or open requests for their department in "Remedy" - 
something I used to give them in Remedy Help Desk 4 and 5.5 using ARSPerl.  In 
our implementation of ITSM 7.0 customers have NO ACCESS AT ALL to ITSM (and the 
Requester Console is disabled), as they are restricted to the Kinetic Request 
interface - which definitely has no provision whatsoever for showing customers 
a table or list of their open incidents in ITSM.  That shortcoming is one we 
keep tripping over, everywhere we try to provide request services to ITSM using 
Kinetic SR.

Is there such a capability in SRM?  We don't have access to it - have not 
looked at it since it was about to go into beta and the pricing scheme was 
announced.  The SRM 7.6 User Guide off the BMC Supportweb contains no screen 
shots, so it is completely worthless in terms of seeing what views of the data 
you might have when using the application.  The docs mention a "Business 
Manager Console," but again, without any screen shots I have no idea what they 
are talking about.  Who is it for, and what does it show?

Assuming that SRM is no better than Kinetic SR at showing customers what they 
have open for them in ITSM, or showing someone like the head of HR all of the 
tickets opened for or by people from his/her department, how are any of you 
displaying that sort of thing for customers who are NOT support staff and 
basically have no permission to access ITSM?  In our multi-tenancy setup, the 
support staff and the customers are not in the same company anyway; support 
staff have access to the customer company.

BTW, the reason we don't give customers any access to ITSM at all is that when 
we first tested it, any requester that clicked on the URL they were sent OOTB 
for their incident (created through either Kinetic SR or the Requester Console) 
would be taken to the Incident form and their ticket after logging on via LDAP, 
but could then click on "Search" on that same form and see EVERY INCIDENT that 
existed for the entire customer company!!!  That was a non-starter with our 
information security folks, as well as all of the IT staffs.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
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