I am sitting in Dallas Airport (DFW) waiting for a delayed plane. (Big weather here today - but good meetings none the less)


Kinetic Request can do what you are asking about.
See example:

Basically the "Catalog Page" which we call a "Launcher" is a collection of Remedy queries that get rendered through what we call a "partial". Or possibly multiple partials. A partial can actually have more than one source (Requests, Incidents, Changes, Purchase Orders, Complaints, etc...)

A launcher can have 0 to many queries (from any Remedy source) to display what you want.

The samples we ship with do not do this -- as we do not assume you own ITSM or anything on Remedy. (In fact - we have users that exclusively use Kinetic Request for their request management (meaning no Incidents or Changes etc.... created). ) Kinetic can actually be a fulfillment target itself.

However - people do use Kinetic Request for front ending ITSM, CSS, Purchase Orders etc...

To get it to work - is a matter of configuring the Launcher partials.
(Basically - change the queries (or add additional) to point to the proper source form - with proper criteria - then modify the partial to display the columns and look/feel that you want.)

Example of showing worklog from an incident in ITSM 7:

Generally I would shy away from discussing "incidents" and "incident numbers" with an end-user -- as all things should be Kinetic :) -- more realistically - I think you want to think of the "fulfillment" as blackbox and where and how something is fulfilled is not of concern to the requester. The thing a requester should think of is their "request" -- with it's ID (if relevant).

Again - more realistically - people do actually have Incidents (without requests) -- and it would be of value to look at them. So - the capability is there.

(I expect we have this written up in a how-to of some sort -- I will look it up and send directly)

Have fun!!! and enjoy the Texas weather -- MN is -9 tonight. (That is not 9 degrees below freezing -- it is 41 degrees below freezing (as in the difference between 73 and 32 -- yet again 32 to -9))


On Jan 28, 2010, at 2:14 PM, strauss wrote:

I was asked if there is any way a customer can see all of their open requests (meaning Incidents), or open requests for their department in “Remedy” – something I used to give them in Remedy Help Desk 4 and 5.5 using ARSPerl. In our implementation of ITSM 7.0 customers have NO ACCESS AT ALL to ITSM (and the Requester Console is disabled), as they are restricted to the Kinetic Request interface - which definitely has no provision whatsoever for showing customers a table or list of their open incidents in ITSM. That shortcoming is one we keep tripping over, everywhere we try to provide request services to ITSM using Kinetic SR.

Is there such a capability in SRM? We don’t have access to it – have not looked at it since it was about to go into beta and the pricing scheme was announced. The SRM 7.6 User Guide off the BMC Supportweb contains no screen shots, so it is completely worthless in terms of seeing what views of the data you might have when using the application. The docs mention a “Business Manager Console,” but again, without any screen shots I have no idea what they are talking about. Who is it for, and what does it show?

Assuming that SRM is no better than Kinetic SR at showing customers what they have open for them in ITSM, or showing someone like the head of HR all of the tickets opened for or by people from his/her department, how are any of you displaying that sort of thing for customers who are NOT support staff and basically have no permission to access ITSM? In our multi-tenancy setup, the support staff and the customers are not in the same company anyway; support staff have access to the customer company.

BTW, the reason we don’t give customers any access to ITSM at all is that when we first tested it, any requester that clicked on the URL they were sent OOTB for their incident (created through either Kinetic SR or the Requester Console) would be taken to the Incident form and their ticket after logging on via LDAP, but could then click on “Search” on that same form and see EVERY INCIDENT that existed for the entire customer company!!! That was a non-starter with our information security folks, as well as all of the IT staffs.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
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John Sundberg

Kinetic Data, Inc.
"Building a Better Service Experience"
Recipient of the WWRUG09 Innovator of the Year Award

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