I was there too. 

It is always entertaining/interesting/uncomfortable to have a person from a 
vendor talk about their product -- when it is clear they do not understand the 
capability of their product. Especially when it is in a room full of 10+ year 
veterans -- who really do know their stuff. 

The presenter was being very non-committal as these are "early days" of the 
offering. But - I think the SaaS world is all around "absolute definitions" -- 
so as to be able to scale within expected ranges. If you have a "loose 
definition" of your offering -- I think you will end up in big trouble. (Or - 
you will have to spend a major amount of energy smoothing it over). (AKA - lose 


On Nov 10, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Chowdhury, Tauf wrote:

Hey, I just wanted to get your opinions on the Remedy SaaS vision. I was at the 
Column Roadshow in NYC where the BMC rep presenting Remedy OnDemand got 
hammered on issues with the SaaS platform. Mainly, it was around the “loss” of 
control and limited support of customizations. There were also issues around 
upgrades. Have any of you given this a thought?
It provided for some entertaining dialogue last night so it should be even more 
so here on the list!
Tauf Chowdhury | Forest Laboratories, Inc.
Analyst, Service Management
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