This document explain what you need to do:

BMC Atrium CMDB 7.6.04 Administrator's Guide
Chapter 5 Migrating BMC Atrium Core data


2011/2/26 John Doe <>:
> **
> Hi all,
> I am in the process of trying to figure out how to migrate the CI's in our
> dev CMDB to production.  We have appoximately 100,000.
> Our production CMDB is an exact copy of our dev CMDB minus our actual CI's.
> We are just trying to migrate all of our CI's from the dev CDM to the
> production CDM.
> I have given thought to AIE (using it to connect to an external database) or
> using BMC Migrator.  Essentially, we would be transferring CI's from one 7.6
> remedy system(dev) to another like remedy 7.6 system(prod).  SQL Server 08
> on Windows.
> We are currently utilizing other modules in production system with active
> users.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you
> _attend WWRUG11 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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