I know Remedy 6.3 is out of support so please don't send me responses about that and how I should upgrade to 7.6 or the sort.
Here is my issue and I am hoping that someone has gone thru this. We have a Windows 2000 server running our Remedy 6.3 mid-tier. I have been given an ultimatum by upper management that we need to upgrade this server to Windows 2003 or 2008. I have patch 24 for the mid-tier and that is the only installable that I have. Other than making sure I have the right JDK and IIS installed, what other gotcha's should I be concerned about? The server will have a different name, but when we switch over from the old to the new, we will alias the old name to the new server in DNS. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim Nowak IT Operations TEL: 630.864.5366 | CELL: 630.414.0193 | jamesno...@officemax.com 263 Shuman Blvd., Naperville, IL 60563 | http://www.officemax.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail and attached document(s) may contain confidential information that is intended only for the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance upon the information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete it from your system. _______________________________________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org attend wwrug11 www.wwrug.com ARSList: "Where the Answers Are"