Now you have the information necessary to <populate> that command-line, with 
parameters specific to your needs.  

Most folks on this list know much more about usage of this tool than I do--but 
we all admit that determining and populating that parameter set is another 
significant effort.

All the best,

Don W. McClure, P.E.
CITC Call Tracking Administration
University of North Texas
dwmac @ unt . edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Sam Cerrato
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 11:31 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: BMC Remedy Data Import Tool not launching

Thanks Don and's the dataimport.bat file:

C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\dataimporttool>DataImport.bat
Command Line Options:
    -u <user>          : Required login parameter that identifies the user accou
    -p <password>      : Optional login parameter that identifies the password.
Omit the option if the user account has no password.
    -x <servername>    : Login parameter that specifies the server to log in to.
 This option overrides the server specified in the mapping. If this option is 
no t specified, the server name in the mapping is used.
    -w <authenticator> : Name of an external authentication string or Windows 
NT  domain. This is related to the Login window Authentication field, which is 
disc ussed in the Configuring guide.
    -r <programnumber> : RPC program number. Private server, for example, if a 
d edicated import server is available. If not specified, the default is the 
admin server 390600.
    -a <tcpport>       : TCP port number. Port number for the server. This value
 is especially important in a multiple server environment. The option also 
ident ifies a TCP specific port, if chosen.
    -l <logfile>       : Full path name of the log file. Use this option to log
details of the import execution.
    -e <fieldids>      : Duplicate fields. IDs of the fields to check for duplic
ate data. For example, for the Short Description field, you would enter the 
valu e 8. By default, the Request ID field (field ID 1) is used when -e 
parameter is omitted. Multiple values can be specified by separatng them with 
commas (2,4,8)
    -n <option>        : Suppress filters. When the system is merging entries on
 forms, this command instructs arimportcmd to suppress the merge filters.
    -t <option>        : Multiple match option. Use when more than one entry mat
ches. Enter a value of 3 to affect the first match, and a value of 5 to affect 
a ll matches.
    -o <filename>      : Data file name. Name of the file containing data to imp
ort. If specified, this option overrides the data file specified in the mapping.
 If not specified, the data file specified in the mapping is used.
    -o <directory>     : To use multithreaded data import tool use this option w
ith directory name. All the files under this directory will be imported. All 
thi s data will be imported in the schema provided in the command. If mapping 
file i s provided and data dir contains different types of files like 
.arx,.csv,.xml an d .asc then this mapping file should be same for all these 
    -f <formnames>     : Destination form name. Name of the form to import into.
 If specified, this option overrides the form specified in the mapping. If not 
s pecified, the form specified in the mapping is used.
    -v <option>        : Forces override. If the user has logged in from a diffe
rent IP address, this option tells the server to use the new IP address of the 
B MC Remedy Import client and invalidates the old IP address.
    -i <option>        : Suppress default values. If specified this option is sp
ecified import will ignore the default values of fields if the value in the 
data  file is null or not supplied.
    -M <mappingfile>   : Full path name of mapping file. Required fully qualifie
d path name of the mapping file to use.
    -D <option>        : Duplicate ID. Defines how to process records that conta
in request IDs, which duplicate those already in the form. With this option, 
you  must include one of the following numbers:
                            0 : Generate new ID for all records
                            1 : Reject duplicate records
                            2 : Generate new ID for duplicate records
                            3 : Replace old record with new record
                            4 : Update old record with new records data (the def
    -q <option>        : Suppresses the required field property for non core fie
    -c <option>        : Truncates character values longer than the field length
 for character fields.
    -h <option>        : Suppresses pattern matching for fields. If supplied the
 $PATTERN$ field limit is ignored
    -charset <name>    : Specifies the character set used in the data file. The
character set name must be supplied as listed in the IANA Charset Registry
    -b <option>        : Sets the transaction size to use.
    -threads <PoolSize>: Sets the Maximum Thread Pool size. This is optional 
par ameter, if not specified then it is set to default value 50
    -filelist <files>  : Comma separated list of files(report.arx,test.csv,data.
xml). When -o option is data directory then only this option can be used else 
th is is of no use. This is optional and takes precedence over -pattern.
    -pattern <string>  : Specifies a pattern for matching file names and import 
them using multiple threads. When -o option is data directory then only this 
opt ion can be used else this is of no use. This is optional.
    -custom            : Full path name of the XML file containing user-defined
custom options for handling date/time values and real numbers. This is optional.

    -z                 : Full path name of the options XML file which contains d
ata import commands with its own Data/File(Import) options. This is optional.
    -g <option>        : Forces the bulk transaction to be used with -e option,
for which it is switched off by default. This is optional and a value of 1 
means  enabled.
    -og <OverlayGroup> : Sets the Overlay Group. This is optional parameter, if 
not specified then it is set to default(No overlay group)
    -Q <option>          : Fall back to old behavior of Data Import Tool(Default
 is false i.e. 0)

Usage - WITH MAPPING FILE: arimportcmd -x server -u user -p password -M 
mappingf ile -o datafile -f targetform -e duplicatefield -n suppressfilters -t 
multimatch option -l logfile -a portnumber -r rpcprogNum -w 
AuthenticationServer -i suppres sdefaultvalues
    Values for Username and Password are required.

Usage - WITHOUT MAPPING FILE: arimportcmd -x server -u user -p password -o 
dataf ile -f "targetform=fileform" -e duplicatefield -n suppressfilters -t 
multimatcho ption -l logfile -a portnumber -r rpcprogNum -D DupId -w 
AuthenticationServer -i  suppressdefaultvalues
    Values for Username, Password, Server, Datafile  are required.

Usage - Multi Threaded Data Import WITH MAPPING FILE: arimportcmd -x server -u 
u ser -p password -M mappingfile -o datadir -f "targetform=fileform" -e 
duplicatef ield -n suppressfilters -t multimatchoption -l logfile -a portnumber 
-r rpcprogN um -D DupId -w AuthenticationServer -i suppressdefaultvalues 
-threads poolSize - filelist files
    Values for Username, Password, Datadir  are required. Mapping file should 
be  same for all the data files inside datadir

Usage - Multi Threaded Data Import WITHOUT MAPPING FILE: arimportcmd -x server 
- u user -p password -o datadir -f "targetform=fileform" -e duplicatefield -n 
supp ressfilters -t multimatchoption -l logfile -a portnumber -r rpcprogNum -D 
DupId -w AuthenticationServer -i suppressdefaultvalues -threads poolSize 
-filelist fil es
    Values for Username, Password, Server, Datadir  are required.

C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\dataimporttool>

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