The # 20 accounts for the number of questions in the current Base form (Form
-A). And the 20 Push field action in turn creates 20 records in the Form B.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Chintan Shah <> wrote:

> **
> Just out of curiosity, why would you have 20 push fields actions..what
> drives that #?
> Thnx
> Chintan.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Shiju John <>
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 28, 2011 11:32 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Any Method to check within a record for 'not null' options?
> **
> Hi,
> Thank you guys for your valuable inputs.
> I have implemented the same with another approach. I am doing my testing on
> this, and as of now the performance looks fine.
> Just thought of sharing the same :).
> Created a New Form (Form B)- to hold the Candidate keys and a question
> field (character) and an Answer Field.
> Work flow:
>  1. On submit on Form A (current Base form), push each "Question $ Answer"
> to Form B, where
>     'Question' = $Question1$
>     'Answer = $Answer1$
>     similarly 20 push field actions, irrespective of the  Question/Answer
> being Null or Not.
> 2. On submit on Form B, another filter which checks if Answer or Question
> is  Null. If yes, just delete that record.
> Advantages of this approach,
> 1. No modification required in the workflows for the addition/deletion of
> questions.
> 2. Form B  holds all the answered questions.
> 3. No table looping, and hence better performance.
> Please let me know your comments on this approach.
> Thanks,
> Shiju...
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Chintan Shah <> wrote:
> Hi John,
> I had a similar scenario to work with in past. Let me share the solution
> with you and list. I am assuming that users will answer data in character
> field.
> There should be 3 forms in total
> a) UI form.
> b) Questions form
> c) Transactional Form(copy of questions form+a character field to answer
> the question+1 field to hold GUID passed from UI form)
> Here's flow:
> 1. On UI form, have a table field that represents the transactional form
> and a display-only character field(for answers) and "Save" button next to
> that table. Have another hidden table field that represents "Questions"
> form(there should not be any qual on this unless you wanna load specific
> questions).
> 2. On load of UI or on focus of "Question/Answer" tab(whichever you
> prefer), perform the following:
>    a) Change field -->Refresh "Questions" form.
>    b) Call guide to walk thru questions form. As you are walking through
> each record(which in this case is "question"), push each record to
> transactional form along with GUID.You can generate a GUID on UI table and
> use that and push it to transactional form as well so that you qual on
> "transaction" table in UI would look like 'guid'=$guid$.
>    c) Change field-->Refresh "transactional" form and "Set focus".
>         System is now ready for users to enter the answers.
> 3. On selection of record on "transactional" form, load "answer" field
> from transactional form into the display-only character field(initially it
> will be NULL).  Train users so that they can enter answers in this field and
> have workflow on "Save" button so that it pushes the answer back to
> transactional form. Next time the users loads up the record they will see
> the answer. They can edit the answer and use the same "Save" button to
> commit it.
> Advantages of this approach:
> 1. You do not need to add/modify any workflow whenever new questions are
> added. As a matter of fact, questions can be added at any time since it will
> be just data.
> 2.  Re-usable "Save" button/generic workflow for saving all records.
> 3. Generic workflow to load the table, pushing records to transactional
> form.
> 4. You can re-use the same workflow on multiple forms if there is a need.
> In a nutshell, "Write once-use anywhere" kind of workflow and much less
> overhead to maintain.
> Disadvantages:
> 1. User will have to answer each question separately and hit "Save" button.
> Total # of active links: 4
>     1. To perform "call guide" action on "questions" table and actions for
> refreshing of questions/transactional table.
>     2. To perform "push fields" to the transactional table.
>     3. To load data from transactional form when a record is selected.
>     4. "save" button workflow to push the answers back to transactional
> form.
> Active Link Guides: 1
>     1. Walk thru "Questions" table once(should be on $OPERATION$=CREATE).
> There could be 100 questions and you can still use this approach. You do
> not need to create 100 Active Links.
> I have not seen any performance issues with this approach so far and users
> are quite happy with it.
> HTH.
> Thanks
> Chintan.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Shiju John <>
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 28, 2011 1:12 AM
> *Subject:* Any Method to check within a record for 'not null' options?
> Hi,
> I have a generic issue. The issue is as described below:
> I have a form which stores 20 questions. These questions are not mandatory,
> and the user might answer any "n" questions out of this 20. I need to do a
> customization such that i need only the questions answered to be pushed to a
> new form, which segregates each of these "n" questions to "n" records in the
> new form.
> The basic and easiest approach would be to create 20 activelinks which
> checks if each question is answered or not, and based on that do a push to
> the new form. But this would degrade the performance as there are chances
> that the number of questions might increase in future. And this approach
> would be a hard code( method of implementing 20 active links) , and not
> configurable. Could some one suggest me a better approach to do this?
> Please pour in your thoughts !!! :)
> Thanks,
> Shiju.
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> Thanks and Regards,
> Shiju John
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Thanks and Regards,
Shiju John

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