Very good points. Thank you!

On Sep 24, 2011 6:18 AM, "Brian Pancia" <> wrote:
> Christopher,
> That was a great post and is where some people are confused. One of my
> customers is convinced that the SRM app is going to handle all Service
> Requests. I just started there and I have a little damage control on some
> miss guided advice over there. For anyone who is not familiar with SRM.
> SRM is merely a customer facing portal. The customer will submit Service
> Requests that are defined for them on the portal. These defined requests
> are then passed to Incidents, Work-Orders, Changes, or your own custom
> This is dependent on the business rules that have been established for
> service request. There is no Service Request Management application for
> support staff to work service requests.
> Another area of miss understanding is the Incident Management application
> itself. In ITILv2 Incident Management, Request Fulfillment, and Event
> Management all fell under Incident Management. In ITILv3 these were split
> out. The naming of the Incident Management app comes from ITILv2. This is
> where confusion and water boarding happens.
> Another area that is common is what applications organizations own and
> licensed. BMC's license model use to be each app had to be purchased
> separately in addition to their user licenses. Now you get the whole suite
> for one great low price, plus of coarse user licenses. Most organizations
> have transferred from the old model to the new. However, they have not
> bought user licenses for all the applications and continue to put
> in the Incident Management application. So many organizations have become
> creative with how they use Incident Management app to incorporate all
> processes. In a perfect world they would own all the apps and everyone in
> the organization from the janitor all the way up to the executive
> would understand ITIL inside and out.
> This is why everyone has different ways of setting up categorization and
> huge debates on what should be there. It really doesn't matter if you use
> Tier 1- Blue, Tier 2-Green, and Tier 3-Purple for your categorization. As
> long as the organization knows what that means and it is import to them.
> This is the whole premise behind ITIL. Standardize on Processes,
> Procedures, Services, and Terminology. It's not necessarily about industry
> best practices, it's about an organizations best practices. A lot of
> organizations have focused on industry best practices and completely
> about theirs. The problem here is that they got rid of what really worked
> for them and replaced it with what is considered industry best practices,
> which may or may not work for them. Seems a little silly.
> So another example of categorization could be:
> Blue, Green, Purple
> Brian
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of strauss
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:06 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Age old debate - categorizations
> **
> Rambling thoughts on applying ITSM to the real world, after a long,
> week spent in multi-hour WebEx's diagnosing and fixing problems in
> You shouldn't think of Requests as alternatives to Incidents. Think of SRM
> (or Kinetic Request in our case) as your customer self-service portal,
> you gently extract information from the Requester with which to create an
> Incident (no water-boarding, please) . They display the IT services that
> someone is eligible to request, and create Incidents (normally - or other
> types of requests if you want them to) from customer responses, but since
> most IT helpdesks and support staff do their work in the Incident Console,
> the requests have to end up there at some point. By most standards and our
> interpretation of ITIL best practices, everything starts as an Incident
> the IT support staffer's point of view, but remember that an Incident
> in different types as mentioned by "moe." Our SLAs (response times and
> resolution times) are dramatically different for the four Incident types,
> they really are handled differently (if for no other reason than the
> escalations range from 2 hours to 4 days). If you need to spawn a Problem,
> Change, Task, or other similar ticket, those should be created by the IT
> support staff working on the Incident, NOT the customer. The way ITSM 7.x
> works, just about every other form is fed from an incident, and they are
> much less customer-centered in their design.
> If you, as a customer or a support staffer who gets lost in the Incident
> interface (more prevalent in the pre-best-practice multi-tabbed
> want to enter a request quickly, on your own, or at 3 in the morning, you
> to Kinetic (or SRM, I guess) and enter it yourself. If you call the
> helpdesk (while they are open), they will enter an incident for you -
> directly; they use the same Incident Templates that the Kinetic Requests
> for consistency. Sometimes they walk the customer through entering it
> themselves so that they know how in the future. Our Kinetic interface will
> allow a customer to update their Incident's work log even if they did not
> enter the incident through Kinetic (which the Requester Console/SRM will
> do - they need the request record to work through), so once a request is
> translated into an Incident the original Request is of less or no
> - in the Requester Console or SRM it is a surrogate to the Incident for
> customers who have no access to the actual Incident.
> I say this based on what I _think_ SRM does since we never had access to
> until we got suite licensing, never installed it until, and
> haven't touched it (and the docs have no screen shots so I have no idea
> it really looks like). We used the Requester Console in 4.x and 5.5 and
> tested it for 7.0 so my practical concepts come from there. We did
> configure it to create the surrogate Request for each Incident, which may
> still be an option in 7.6.x, but our users hated it and would not use it
> to the myriad browser problems with early mid-tiers. Setting Incidents to
> create corresponding Request records might fit your model better, if they
> are required for the customer interface.
> As to new, unique features in SRM, I think the Work Orders function would
> best used for a specific process that cannot be confused with Incidents,
> again, I never have seen it in action. If it weren't for the fact that our
> Telecomm has its own work order application, microcomputer maintenance and
> classroom support and Facilities all have their own systems too (welcome
> academia), I would consider using the Work Order portion of SRM for those
> types of discreet services.
> So, the Requests (SRM or Kinetic) are your customer interface; IT support
> staff will never look at them or use them to work their issues - they will
> use Incidents as a rule, and Problems/Known
> Errors/Solutions/Changes/Tasks/Releases/Activities as second/third level
> tools to manage the work behind those Incidents. You can get as fancy and
> sophisticated as you want with your customer portal (good luck with that
> next SRM upgrade), but in the end, it's just a way to take customer input
> and create Incidents for the IT Staff to work on.
> Or not. ITIL is only a framework, isn't it??
> BTW, forcing a customer to look at in Incident form, especially the
> View, is considered worse than water-boarding in some circles.
> Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
> Call Tracking Administration Manager
> University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Jan Lindhardsen
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 4:59 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Age old debate - categorizations
> **
> God how I love these discussions, there is always so many ways to do this,
> and only a couple of them is dead wrong...
> It's always very useful to see how other people have solved this!
> Richard, Im completely on your track in regard to what is an Incident and
> what is a Service Request. But...
> Consider that we, as some will argue, should register Incidents in IM, and
> Service Requests in SRM
> Consider that we have a service desk, acting as a single point of contact,
> answering customers on the phone.
> When a customer calls in with "printer not printing" issue, this is
> an incident, and we will register it in IM.
> When the customer calls in an says that he has forgotten his password,
> should then be registered in SRM, but how? As we do not have a "backend"
> registering Service Requests.
> Also say that we would register this as work orders (not the same as a
> service request), it will be confusing and time consuming for the CSR to
> decide, and alway choose to start out in the right application.
> Using IM to register both Incidents and Service Requests solves part of
> issue, but from a pragmatic point of view, SR's has got nothing to do,
> mixed up with my Incidents...
> I had a long discussion with a customer a year back, where the customer
> argued that everything should start out as a service request, and then
> the call (or during), the CSR has to decide if the SR should be
> to an Incident, Change etc... Thank god I managed to talk him out of this!
> Not because he necessarily is wrong in his view on things, but because it
> would be more or less impossible to handle in ITSM/SRM as it is today, and
> it would just ad a huge extra layer of complexity and administration to
> whole solution ;-)
> And again, it will be interesting to see how the rest of you think around
> this, and how you have solved it in real life!
> Best
> /Jan
> On Sep 23, 2011, at 17:06 , Gard, Richard J wrote:
> ** IMHO - it is neither Incident nor Change but a Service Request. The
> password function is not broken; it is doing what it is supposed to do by
> keeping you out when the password expires or is compromised. As Rick said,
> you are not managing passwords as CIs. Service Requests offer users a
> to have someone doing something for you and provides the ability to define
> workflow where approvals and service fulfillment tasks need to be
> separately (separation of duties is required in our banking environment).
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