Thanks for your detailed response, it is appreciated.  I am doing disaster
recovery, where my off-site server will be dormant until needed.  The
database is already being replicated using Oracle Data Guard.  I was
planning on taking my production filesystem, tar'ring it up and moving it
to the DR server.  With what you are saying, I won't need to update any of
the directory paths, correct?  Things like /etc/arsystem/remedyprod/ are
what concern me.  I'm working with a deadline that doesn't give me time to
change the production server name to use an alias, get the various
integrations and clients re-configured, and tested.  (However, I'll
definitely be setting up our 7.6.04 environment correctly from the start.)
My config would look like:
Prod ar.conf:
          Server-Name:  remedyprod
          Server-Connect-Name:  <not configured, since the hostname is also

Failover ar.conf:
          Server-Name:  remedyprod
          Server-Connect-Name:  remedy-dr-hostname

On failover, the network guys will change the remedyprod DNS entry to point
to the DR server's IP address, and I should be able to bring the AR server
up. (of course, mid-tier too)

Since this is disaster recovery and not high availability, I'm not planning
on doing any other kind of server group configuration, or does the use of
the above settings mandate that?

Does being in a DR configuration (vs. HA) change the answer you gave about
the email engine?

Thanks again for you help.  Funny how far one can go without having to
understand some of the basics.  :-)

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 7:51 AM, LJ LongWing <lj.longw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> Thad,****
> Before getting to your questions, I want to define two terms as ‘I’
> understand them.****
> ** **
> Disaster Recovery – The ability to have a system available at another SITE
> in case the primary site becomes unavailable because of a disaster.  This
> is typically done as a ‘standby’ operation, and the two are not necessarily
> online at the same time, typically with separate DB servers with log
> shipping or some other replication technology to get your data over to the
> DR site****
> High Availability – The ability to have more than one host serving the
> same purpose simultaneously so that if one goes offline, the other is still
> able to service requests.****
> ** **
> I think what you are discussing below is high availability…mostly because
> you are talking about a server group…which is where two remedy servers
> connect to the same DB….DR requires significantly more setup, configuration
> and maintenance….now, onto your questions****
> ** **
> Server-Name – your first 3 bullets are correct…your 4th, kinda…$SERVER$
> automatically tacks on the domain of the server, but essentially correct**
> **
> Server-Connect-Name****
> --1 – Not necessarily…in my server groups I have another alias configured
> for this one****
> --2 – True****
> --3 – Also true****
> ** **
> Q – Which of the above values are used for AR paths in the file system****
> A – Neither.  The names above are solely for clients connecting to
> them…having nothing to do with the install directories.  When you install
> Remedy, it defaults to putting it into the directory that you specified as
> your ‘server name’ during the install…so depending on how you have your
> things configured during install, it could be either of the names above, or
> none of them…but it’s actually irrelevant because nothing uses that
> specifically to connect****
> ** **
> Q – Email engine configuration (EmailDaemon.properties):  Same question,
> which value is used?****
> A – Typically, as far as I understand, each ARServer will have its own
> email engine (at least that’s the way we have it configured)…so the
> individual nodes of your ‘clients’ should point to that node’s name****
> ** **
> IP-Name – This is useful in ANY server configuration…you should have ANY
> permeation of names that someone could use to connect to your server added
> in here so that the server recognizes ‘that name’ as ‘me’****
> ** **
> Here is our config, we have two nodes with a load balancer.  We also have
> several load balanced web servers****
> ** **
> Web****
> -Load Balanced name: application****
> -Node1 Name: application-node1****
> -Node2 Name: application-node2****
> ** **
> This allows us to utilize the load balancer to re-direct to our clients HA
> configuration.  Each web node is pointed to the Load balanced server group
> alias****
> ** **
> App****
> -Load Balanced name: application-app****
> -Node1 Name: application-app1****
> -Node2 Name: application-app2****
> ** **
> Again…this allows a client to connect to either the HA name, or each
> individual node, and using an alias for the Server-Connect-Name makes it so
> that later you could move servers (in an upgrade situation) without
> re-configuring everything (we are moving from 2003 virtual servers to 2008
> virtual servers, and won’t need to re-configure a lot of the infrastructure
> because they all point to the alias J****
> ** **
> In the configuration above, the Server-Name is the Load Balanced one…the
> Server-Connect-Name is the alias for that node.  Email, etc uses the node
> specific name.****
> ** **
> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
> arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] *On Behalf Of *Thad Esser
> *Sent:* Monday, December 12, 2011 4:47 PM
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Subject:* Server name clarification****
> ** **
> ** ****
> Hi all,****
> I'm finally back to working on my disaster recovery server configuration,
> after a six month diversion for other projects.  Having never worked in an
> environment where the Remedy server name was different than the host name,
> and after some intial reading, I had a couple of configuration questions
> that I figure the arslist could clarify the fastest.****
> My current understanding of the following ar.conf settings (please correct
> anything that needs it):
> Server-Name:
>           - The name that remedy knows itself by, and which users would
> use to connect to the system.
>           - Must be DNS-resolvable.
>           - In a server group, all servers in the group have this set to
> the same value.
>           - It is the value returned by the $\SERVER$ keyword (that's a
> guess...?)
> Server-Connect-Name:
>           - The actual host name of the server that Remedy lives on.
>           - Must also be DNS-resolvable.
>           - In a server group, each server will have its individual host
> name configured here.
> Questions:
>    Which of the above values are used for AR paths in the file system.
> Directories for things like the email engine, AIE, and
> /etc/arsystem/<servername> all have the server name in them.  Do those
> represent the "Server-Name" or the host name?
>    Email engine configuration (EmailDaemon.properties):  Same question,
> which value is used?****
> Thinking through this, it would make the most sense that all those
> settings would use the Server-Name, not the host-name?  If that's not true,
> what are the exceptions?****
> I'm sure I'll have more questions (IP-Name and Map-IP-Address look fun),
> but these are the ones pestering me now.****
> Thanks in advance
> Thad****
> _attend WWRUG12 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_ ****
>  _attend WWRUG12 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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